Stand firm, my ass!

by Kent 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kent

    In military base of Karadjordjevo there were 14 conscientious objectors before the escalation of war in March. Twelve of them were Nazarenes or Jehovah's witnesses and two which did not declare religiously. They were working on "non-military" tasks but on military premises and for the benefit of the army. (farm work). Then they were ordered to engage in army jobs. One Jehovah's witness refused and was sentenced immediately to five years.

    This is taken from:

    Besides this, there are plenty of pages telling about the same kind of stuff, not to speak of all the JWs that tries to go to Canada or the US (imigration) because of alleged PERSECUTION!

    Stand firm, my ass!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • msil


    Have you ever thought about the fact that you might get a better response if you showed more civilty and less hatred.

    I do not know your personal circumstances but you have a lot of good things to say and sometimes the impact of your message might be suppressed because of your attitude.

    Think about this....I know you want everyone to leave the dubs. But the dubs would not even read a message that is filled with so much attitude. One of the primary things a person needs to do in assisting others to leave a cult is to build rapport with the cult members you are trying to help.

    If you are not trying to help then fine but if you are trying to help members leave by informing them of the facts that they do not know would you have better results by letting the facts speak and not shouting over the facts with cuss words etc?

    You are free to do as you like obviously - I am just trying to look at this from the viewpoint of a sensitive dub in search of info who might consider such antics and words as giving validity to the Borg claim that apostates are unruly savages.

    My 2 cents.

  • Kent
    Have you ever thought about the fact that you might get a better response if you showed more civilty and less hatred.

    No, why? What "hatred" are you talking about?? I don't hate the poor bastards, I pity them!

    Think about this....I know you want everyone to leave the dubs.

    No, you don't - and the reason is quite simple. I don't give a shit if JWs wants to stay JWs. They have - just as you an me - a free will. And if they want to be mindcontroled drones, that's their choice. I do NOT want "everyone" to leave the Witchpower. I just want the bloody assholes to be civil, to follow the law, and stop persecuting everyone that doesn't agree.

    If they do that, I wouldn't write anything about them at all. I simply don't care what people BELIEVE - I care about WHAT THEY DO!

    You are free to do as you like obviously - I am just trying to look at this from the viewpoint of a sensitive dub in search of info who might consider such antics and words as giving validity to the Borg claim that apostates are unruly savages.

    Oh, I'm aware of the hypocritical American view on things - being offended by words. We've talked about that in length here on this site.

    Why not think of this angle for a change:

    All others are soooooo polite (most of them, right, Farkel?), and I chose another way of doing things. It's more than one way to Rome, my friend. Some JWs are so mad when they read the Observer they are "forced" to prove me a lying asshole. Fine - because nobody succeeded so far - and many who tried did see what the Witchpower was all about!

    Besides that - I don't care if JWs are offended with what I write. I simply don't give a damn. They don't care if they offend me, do they?

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • msil


    As I said before you are totally free to do and say what you want to.

    I am sure you know some of us are trying to get our family members to leave and a place such as this is somewhere we try to direct them. It doesn't help us at all to have some flagrant hatred slap these vulnerable people in the face.

    Peace be with you

  • Kent

    Oh please! What "flagrant hatred" are you talking about? Learn to read!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • msil

    Kent - I have said what I wanted to. Do whatever you like.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    sometimes a good slap in the face is a wake-up call for delusional cultists. Niceyface works for some people, blunt works for others.
    Believe me Kent is responsible for more people finding out the truth about that cult than most of the rest of us put together. Those who need coddling will find plenty of that too. Insisting on a uniform 'kid gloves' approach is shortsighted; uniformity is a cult requirement.

    Those allegedly vulnerable people are in one of the most hate-filled organizations in the world. It's good for them to find out that their religion is hated as heartily as they hate others. If their hearts are honest, they won't run & hide at the healthy expression of that response. If they aren't, they will use any excuse to reject the facts they will find here.

  • Tina

    Hi msil,
    I have to echo mommiedark here. Kent has provided so much too so many.His site was the first one I found. And Kent has become a very good honorable and honest friend to me. I owe him(and others more than I can say)..Tina

  • JAVA

    Hi Kent,

    Thanks for the post and for the Web link. I also enjoyed your "Stand firm, my ass" editorial assessment. My blood boils when I see or read about groups persecuted or discriminated against because of skin color, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or religious beliefs.

    I draw the line of feeling sorry for any group that willingly follows a sect that tells the world it follows Satan, God is going to murder them and their children, their holidays suck, voting means you are against God, helping the poor and homeless is a waste of time, and for good measure, we'll mentally abuse our own members if they disagree with anything we say.

    KKK members can walk down the street in US cities dressed in sheets and hoods and spew their hatred, while running to the courts to protect them from groups they've terrorized and murdered. The Watchtower does the same thing. In theory, I see little difference between the KKK and sects like the Watchtower. Hate groups dress in various costumes, but all of them have book bags full of hate literature. Perhaps the KKK is more honest in displaying their hate for certain groups than the Watchtower. The KKK hates people of color and Jews; and the Watchtower--well it hates over 6 billion people. Sure they have a right wish 6 billion people a happy death, but most folks wouldn't call it "standing firm." If a person objects to joining the army because of personal beliefs, that's one thing. However groups like the JWs don't have personal beliefs other than following the commands of the Watchtower. That's not "standing firm," that's following orders.

    counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • Englishman

    C'mon, Msil!

    Kent is one of those loveable arseholes that would be sadly missed if he wasn't here. Rumour has it that he's bottling his farts and sending one to each Branch office.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

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