Stand firm, my ass!

by Kent 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tina

    Hi Stephanus
    Too right! That's the beauty in diversity here. With all the the different styles of communication, personalities, and worldviews I believe there is something here for everyone.
    All one needs to do is peruse several posts and they will find a reciprocal communication link .
    I personally enjoy the variety. Even if I don't feel I can connect with a certain style,I have oftentimes learned or gleaned insights that I might not have entertained before.
    I find a differnt style challenges preconceived assumptions,which in turn help me to expand or enlarge my worldview. It becomes a growing experience. regards,Tina

  • julien

    "Stand firm, my ass!"

    I just wanted to add that this sounds like what a straight man might say right after he gets put in prison.

  • Billygoat


    That is exactly what I love about this board! The diversity. I too started to agree with msil, but like Stephanus, changed my mind as I was reminded how much Kent brings to this board. I am about as opposite of Kent as can get. But I respect his courage to say what's on his mind. Something I still struggle with. When I think about it, I wish I could be more like Kent instead of worrying what people think about me.


  • Tina

    How ya feeling sweetie? Kent is a seasoned "Web Warrior' :>
    with a heart of pure gold! And Kent is Kent!
    You are you! Just keep on being you,you're fine! You may discover in time on these boards that you'll get a 'callous' here or there, when you get stings and arrows and That's Ok too!( Thank you! I've been enjoying your posts and getting to know you! Keep on posting! luv,Tina

  • Shane

    As I thinnk back on my marriage I can see now that the teachings of the Witness's caused a lot of strife, my ex-wife would critasize my prayers, my family study, my comments at the meetings the intire scope of our marrage was undermineed by "how a man should preside over his household taking the lead, woman who are witness's hold that over a husbands head. She used to say to me go read about "bride price that the bible talks about, because I did not earn a lot of money.
    All of this amunition was supplyed by the witness litature. The intire life stile of the witness's is NOT relistic its a fantasy.
    Well thats my peace. ~ Shane

  • Kent

    Hi Billygoat;

    I am about as opposite of Kent as can get. But I respect his courage to say what's on his mind. Something I still struggle with. When I think about it, I wish I could be more like Kent instead of worrying what people think about me.

    We're all different. The one thing we should NOT do is pretending being someone we aren't! I don't point a finger at anyone, it's just a general remark.

    Differences in culture play a role here, as we have talked about before. But I believe the most important factor is being confident in what you are doing. Having confidence in yourself, and having the guts to stand up for what you believe in.

    Personally I'm rather outspoken (surprise, surprise), and that's not everyones style. On the other hand, I believe most people could gain a whole lot if they dared to say what they really do mean! Saying lots of things you do not mean - of fear of insulting someone - is simply idiotic. Saying things in a gentle way is different; but it's still (in my opinion) neccesary to say what you do mean if asked.

    If I should ask anyones opinion on a question - how the hell could I trust a person I know doesn't say what he/she really means? How can I trust a person saying what is "political correct", or simply anything he/she believes I wont be offended by?

    Personally I never trust people that doesn't dare to speak the truth - to say what they feel. I would rather have someone to tell me I'm a damned asshole, a moron and an idiot, because .... - than some sissy saying what he/she believes I want to hear!

    Just my thoughts....

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Kent


    As I thinnk back on my marriage I can see now that the teachings of the Witness's caused a lot of strife, my ex-wife would critasize my prayers, my family study, my comments at the meetings

    Your wife got too much food, and too little beating :)
    Women and dogs are much the same, you know; they need to know the limits, and who is the master. LOL

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

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