JW dating sites and the number of divorced!

by toladest 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frog

    14 The trend toward more aggressiveness and independence by women has produced much strife in the home and a soaring divorce rate. How praiseworthy to see a Christian wife display a zeal for fine works by loving submission to her husband!

    Elsewhere, that seriously makes me want to hurl Tis the reasons my poor ol' ma submitted to the tyranny of my ol' pa's autocratic regime for 30years!

    Although, as SNG said, the org doesn't subject itself to demographic scrutiny, I would say without any doubt that divorce rates have absolutely soared. The majority of my parents generation in the org that I was acquainted with have all divorced, on account of putting up with years of crap from their partners, and taking the WT advice to endure hell at all cost.

    frog of the very cynical about marriage class

  • Del

    Just amazes me how sexist the WT org is. I try every week to influence my sister to wait before getting married, travel the world, live out of home as a single independent woman, make her own money and do NOT EVER EVER be a doormat for any man...hehehe, I'm creating a monster (well, the JWs would see it that way!). I can only plant the seeds and hope they take :))

  • LongHairGal

    Sure, don't you all know how it is done?

    This is the recipe for a dub who wants out of a marriage:
    Cheat on your spouse. Get disfellowshipped. Then come back with a new mate, maybe a new child in tow. Presto! New life! Fresh start! Soon, they will be reinstated and raising their hands at the meetings and commenting. Like nothing ever happened!

    I am sure most halls are filled with at least a few of these people.

  • Elsewhere
    Cheat on your spouse. Get disfellowshipped. Then come back with a new mate, maybe a new child in tow. Presto! New life! Fresh start! Soon, they will be reinstated and raising their hands at the meetings and commenting. Like nothing ever happened!

    Yup! I've seen that happen a few times. When you make a religion legalistic, the members will inevitably find legal loopholes.

  • katiekitten

    That Witchtower quote reminded me of just how enraged every article used to make me. How demeaning to expect a woman to want nothing more than a neat home and a bit of cooking. And ontop of that to regulate her thoughts towards it - not just a chore, no, but she has to bloody well love it too.


  • 95stormfront
    Cheat on your spouse. Get disfellowshipped. Then come back with a new mate, maybe a new child in tow. Presto! New life! Fresh start! Soon, they will be reinstated and raising their hands at the meetings and commenting. Like nothing ever happened!

    What's most interesting about this is to see both families ack in the same congregation.

  • love2Bworldly

    *** w75 5/15 p. 314 A People Zealous for Fine Works ***


    The trend toward more aggressiveness and independence by women has produced much strife in the home and a soaring divorce rate. How praiseworthy to see a Christian wife display a zeal for fine works by loving submission to her husband!

    I'm with Froggie, I need to hurl now. Excuse me (running to the bathroom)

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Divorce and legal separation are of rampant epidemic proportions within the WBTS these days.

    Women aren't putting up with much anymore as they've become less dependent on a man to support them.

    Just a couple of weeks ago, a regular pioneer and an elder (both lost their privileges now) of many years of marriage and many years serving with such titles decided to go their separate ways. Both seemingly nice people! Then again, who the heck knows what really goes on behind closed doors. So sad for their children!


  • bebu
    She finds satisfaction in maintaining a neat, attractive home because her family enjoys pleasant surroundings

    HA. This doesn't sound like a normal family to me. Most kids are works of entropy and love chaos. They couldn't care less about living in neat, attractive homes and "pleasant surroundings".

    Kids love to be slobs. "Maintaining" pretty much amounts to cleaning their slop or nagging them to do it. Who can find that satisfying? It's more of a resignation.


    BTW: For sale: 2 boys cheap!!!

  • Es

    Heheh I didnt have a scriptutal reason to divorce my husband but we still did it. Our reasoning we didnt love each other anymore and I wasnt going to end up like so many in the borg including my mum living the rest of my life with someone i didnt love. At the same time i started fading as well... I am now getting married in Nov. es

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