Toronto ApostateFest Scheduled For July 30th

by lawrence 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • lawrence

    I'll be hosting an ApostateFest at my home in North York, Ontario (15 miles from downtown Toronto). PM me and let me know if you are interested in coming. I have a large yard, a screened porch, and a large house (if it rains). A B-que, outdoor b-ball court, some music, bring instruments, bring poetry, bring yourself. I have much floor space for those who want to go all night long. Faders, apostates, burned out elders and COs are welcome, as well as those interested and disinterested. Let's make some music, share some love, and laugh like hell - we've been there and back. This is posted under ApostateFests as well, but this will be the active thread. So far we have 6 coming (imperfection) - so let's add a few more.

    peace and blessings

  • Crumpet

    If only it had been a couple of months earlier! LOL!

    I will be thinking of you and lovely orangefatcat on the day. I hope you have a brilliant time!

  • orangefatcat

    Would you believe I still haven't met Lawrence and I am so eager to meet him. I tell you this is going to be one hell of a party.

    Because I love to indulge in the pleasures of drinking I thing I shall take up Lawrence's offer to crash at his place, my husband says that is okay. I have such an understanding hubby. He is not a party creature like me and is not to much of a social butterfly when it comes to the subject of JWs .

    I hope a lot show up. Quotes you are coming right? Peter Stride is coming. Come on you fellow Canadains lets have a Party. I am going to take lots of pictures.

    Love Orangefatcat

  • Quotes

    I will not forsake the gathering of ourselves together! ;)

  • kls
    Because I love to indulge in the pleasures of drinking

    Somebody has got to tape this one . Just the thought of OFC stumbling over her own spiked hair is worth a paid admission,,,,,,,hee hee

  • orangefatcat

    Monkey How disgusting that is. LICE! Picture it !!

    of course I still love her as she is cute. Who can resist the multi funny furry face of hers. Do you need a razor dear.? you know how facial hair is so unatractive. I will get you a new razor for christmas. And a grooming set. In fact I will get you the same gel I use to make my hair so gorgeous. Aren't I kind.?

    Are you coming to our Apostofest MOnkey???? HOpe So if not I will be thinking of you each time I take a drink. And then you will be a blur.

    love orangefatcat

  • kls
    Monkey I would hate to think of you stinking up the entire atmosphere with your flying poop, you smelly creature. Monkeys are by far the grossest amimanls in the zoo. They spit and spray and pick lice off of one another and eat it. yucky How disgusting that is. LICE! Picture it !!

    Excuse me staggering cat,i may stink up the atmosphere but ya don't see my nose up other cats butts wondering what they had for last nights dinner. Spray and pick lice you say ,,,ha ha , well i will have you know you stiff headed croch sniffing shrunken headed felion that we are grooming ourselves for the men and we do not have lice ,well not much anyway and yes we spit cause we ain't allowed toothpicks after our evening meal of cat stew and the nasty little crunchy bones get stuck in our beautiful teeth.

    Spray !!! Cuse me kitty , who are the ones that pee all over the house and stank up the place and can't see a litter box right in front of their pushed in noses,ahh got ya there didn't i

    Razor ? you want to shave this gorgeous fur ? Ha ! to get that fur shave or moved off the top of your head you would have to use a Chissel and a Hammer but a Blow Torch would be much more interesting FIRE !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now that's a hot headed cat .

    Oh crusty buns,lol

  • lawrence


    Few more PMs of late, so we're past 6 (imperfection) and on the side of "perfect." Started a batch of bathroom gin last night so everything is progressing nicely. Maybe we should do a "festival of booths" into August?

  • Quotes

    Get enough Bathtub Gin into me, and I will be speaking in Tongues. I guess we can call it "Pentecost"???

  • lawrence

    The gin is coming along fine. Tongues of men and tongues of angels, but what happens when my dalmatian jumped into the tub and started whistling dixie? Seems like the monkey (KLS) might have to come on up to meet the cat lady. I think it's Jimi Hendrix time.

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