Something Odd Just Happened

by luna2 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • luna2

    I work in my parents' hardware store. There are a few "friends" from the KH that come in here regularly and they usually stop by the office to say "Hi, we miss you, blah, blah...when are you coming back?" There is one bro, I'll call him Brother Goof, who used to literally haunt me. He'd call and talk to me on the phone, he'd come by the office and chat for long periods of time, I even went out to dinner with him once, just as a friend (He made it clear that his goal wasn't marriage, at least that's what he said...yes, he actually said he wasn't looking to marry. I went out of curiosity. It was beyond bizaar and a whole 'nother story).

    Since just before the Memorial, I've seen nobody from the KH at all....okay, not quite true, a bro from the congregation that shares the KH with "my" congregation smiled and said hi the other day. At any rate, Brother Goof was just here and totally ignored me!! Not that this is a bad thing, mind you, but it kind of shocked me. He got married (3rd marriage) several months ago, so maybe that's why he won't talk to me...a single, inactive sis and all that rot...but that seems rather extreme. What I'm really wondering is if I've been announced as "No longer one of Jehovah's Witlesses" and nobody told me. LOL

    I was gonna send a DA letter (I've been procrastinating), but if they already kicked me out, there's no point. I have no idea how to find out...unless I tackle Brother Goof next time he comes in and ask him. He'd have a hard time ignoring me if I was ringing up his purchases. I could refuse to sell him propane. Take that, you shunner, you!

  • MerryMagdalene

    Hi Luna~

    When you're dealing w/Dubs there's always gonna be something odd to it, I think...

    Reminds me of something recent from my own life. I live next door to a son-of-an-elder who is married, has 2 kids (w/1 on the way) and holds book study in his home. He has instructed his 5 year old not to speak to us as we are "traitors" [DFed] and "don't love Jehovah".

    I noticed their new dog didn't have a dog house so offered this Dub one I had no more use for. He was quite pleasant and grateful in accepting it which totally confused his kid who says in a loud whisper, "But Dad you're not supposed to talk to..............[obviously searching for the right word] STRANGERS!" The dad gets red in the face and says, "Their not...umm...strangers, son, they're our neighbors."


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    lol @ merry!!!

    out of the mouth of babes...

    i love it...

    luv, jojo

  • hubert
    "But Dad you're not supposed to talk to..............[

    Must be "new light".

    It's okay to talk to da'd ones, as long as you can get something for nothing from them.


  • sf
    It was beyond bizaar and a whole 'nother story

    Well, when and if you are up typing it out, I'd love some great entertainment.

    Seriously though.


  • luna2

    LMAO, Merry...Busted! It's something to careful what you tell young kids because they don't understand the fine art of "do as I say, not as I do".

    Skally, I may type up my odd evening out...someday. It wasn't a date, but then again, I guess it was?? I dunno. I still have no clear idea of what he was up to. Maybe he thought he was just being friendly and trying to encourage me to return to meetings. It had a very strange feel to it, he was trying me out to see if it would be worth more effort and I didn't pass inspection.

  • crazyblondeb

    Personally, if you really wanted to send a letter--send it!! If it'll make you feel better. I think next time he wanted to buy propane--I'd refer him to Hank Hill, king of propane and propane accessories!!!!


  • Honesty

    Being a loyal servant of the WTBTS Jehover, I feel I'm perfectly justified in shunning anyone who hasn't been to the last 3 meetings. If, after my loving attempts to restore them to pure worships fails, I intend to take Jerhover's arrangement past the limit and refuse any assistance to them no matter what the situation. So, better come back to the cult Jerhover cuz I may see you hungering and thirsting some day and that would be bad for you.

    Your loving brother,

    Erigant Ess Hipocret

  • Panda

    Quite a story. And while odd it seems to be the type of behavior (odd) that dubs display when confronted with a df or da. I mean it's like a deer in the headlights sometimes, and you don't know whether to run over 'em (figuratively) or just smile and say HI.

  • Netty

    Maybe it could have something to do with all this crap being spewed at the district assemblies, and at meetings about apostates? Guess, you dont have to be df'd da'd or otherwise.

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