The Morman's and Joseph Smiths hat!!! OMG!

by free2beme 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Qcmbr

    Bebu - I'd be interested in some of the comparisons - the basic reason as far as I am aware is that Joseph didn't scribe and so when he spoke the scribe would occasionally make a mistake. I know there were also several documented places where the typesetter decided to 'improve' a sentence. I would be interested in some major changes though.

  • bebu

    Q, I'll try to get some examples to you by the end of the weekend. ...BTW, are you aware that the same troubles exist with the D&C, but possibly worse? I have those original facsimiles (it is in 2 volumes), too, and whole paragraphs and sentences are added and subtracted without a blink of an eye. None of the missionaries who come here can explain that, either...

    (BTW, we bought these 20 years back thru the LDS church, as a sort of commemoration publication thing they did for I forget what...)


    Oh, and I do agree with your comments about man needing revelation!

  • free2beme
    3/The Garden of Eden in JC isn't such a stretch if you also believe that the continents where all in one place and broke up after the flood.

    That is a stretch about 100 million miles long and reaching to try and explain something that is way of. So, if this is to be true we would have to think that man has been around for millions of years, instead of the Christian held idea that it was 6,000 years. I don't remember God saying that the Ark story also mentioned continents moving and science would be able to find some evidence of something to extreme. Unless of course God is hiding it, easy answer used by most religion. I would say it is just "dumb dumb dumb"

  • Qcmbr

    f2b - the LDS church doesn't believe the earth is only 6000 years old - it doesn't have a policy - in fact they've got far cosier with long ages of the earth and even evolution. I was just saying that having the Garden of Eden location pinpointed isn't all that much of a problem to me - it would have been easier for ppl to 'accept' if it had been in some remote part of Turkey or something like that!

    The only things they make a firm stand on is that Adam was the first of the 'family of Adam' and that everything living has a spiritual element (spirit and body = a soul). There is an interesting command given in Genesis to 'replenish' the earth - possibly suggests that the earth was already full or had been before (also could be just a translation word.)

  • free2beme

    I think transalation plays a huge part in the Bible, in which the way people see it depends on the version they are reading. I actually believe there is a phyical and spiritual part of the Body, but that is not something uncommon though.

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