What do you do in your spare time?

by EvilForce 40 Replies latest social physical

  • EvilForce

    Richie once fall kicks in and it cools down I'll be up there again.....so we can catch up then.

    Acsot, I have been to Praque a couple of times. They have some awesome (and cheap) glass shops. I love Praque.
    A side story in Oct. 2001....So on my last night in Europe we (my ex b/f and I) go out and get WASTED on good food and good booze. Needless to say we each had 3 or 4 shots of Absinthe...that nasty green liquor. I literally get 2 hours sleep before we have to go to the airport....so of course I'm hung over as heck. I finally start feeling better somewhere over the Atlantic....start watching the movie until the characters start drinking Absinthe....they were showing Moulin Rouge on the airplane....blech!

  • devinsmom

    Spare time...what is this "spare time" that you speak of?

    Well, when I actually have spare time my favorite thing is to spend time with my friends, other than that, I like to cook, play pool, enjoy nature, and listen to music.


  • Mulan

    scrapbooking, TV (all reruns in summertime, so not much TV lately), and going to the casino

  • bonnzo

    read, play guitar and drums, go out every friday and saturday to nice restaurant for good food, wine and conversation. i also play basketball once a week.

  • Jourles

    I become more of an oenophile during the summer months due to the vineyards ramping up. I'm still hoping to be able to get on the winter crew for an ice wine harvest up in the Traverse City area. Last few years have been no-go's.

    I play sand volleyball more during the summer now too. Usually May-Sept. Indoor the rest of the year. This eats up a lot of my free time. There are tournaments almost every weekend this summer. My wife doesn't mind tagging along as she will go play on the beach or go shopping nearby.

    Just started going back to the gym(3 days a week). Trying to get that vertical even higher.

    I also have 8 hour work days that are really movie/tv watching periods. I have Netflix and usually rent tv series that we watch during the day. Yes, we are that bored most of the time.

    We have a huge glass store here in Lansing. It's called Delphi Glass. It's supposed to be one the largest suppliers in the USA or something. I've thought about taking it up as a hobby myself. I'm more interested in making my own wine glasses. Forget that Reidel crap.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Fly-fishing and lots of it, shooting and lots of it, a little golf here and there, I collect edged weaponry (not the crappy wall-hanger stuff mind you, but the quality hand made stuff). I'm really into the cinema, hanging with my dog, meeting new and interesting people.

  • dh

    music production, salsa dancing, i read a book every now and then, ice climbing (only indoors as it is summer)... i like to watch movies a lot.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Hill walking and playing Bridge (not at the same time, or I'd drop my cards).

  • jula71

    When I'm not doing school work, biking, playing my bass, and hangin' with the fam.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Volunteer work.

    I'm also always studying something, some subject. That takes up a chunk of time and keeps me in contact with decent non-JWs.


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