List of things banned to JWs

by AllAlongTheWatchtower 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greendawn

    With so many restrictions often very silly and not found in normal people and orgs, we are left with no doubt that the WTS is a cult, that's deeply into a works oriented salvation.

  • zagor

    Damn, Danny you took all the good ones

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    Don't forget the X-Files!

    - Preston

    x files??? Well, I know where I am at, people aren't letting their kids watch the Disney movies, like Snow White, Cinderella etc. Demonic I guess. Harry Potter was out right mentioned at a Circuit Assembly a few years ago. (what's next Elmo?) While your wife isn't concerned about blood transfusions for herself, what about her children (don't know if there are any. If not now, future?) Silentlambs is a great site to go to regarding the child abuse. That is definitely something she needs to look at. Out of curiosity, why do you think she is interested? Maybe the list of do's and don'ts are in a strange way appealing. Perhaps talk to her regarding her sudden (?) interest in the witnesses. Maybe don't so much try to talk her out of it as try to understand why she is getting involved. Then you might be better able to help her get away from it. meagan

  • doofdaddy

    The ATTRACTION of the jws is the ability to step out of mundane or stressful life. Others make decisions for you,your future is explained. It is all so simple after all.

    This is also the cause of its demise. You cannot think independently, if you don't follow the letter of the (current) law ,you are a bad associate or removed entirely. The simplistic, down home explanations for the world situation, past, present and future will eventually drive an honest hearted person to DISTRACTION.

  • skyman

    Just a reply to elsewhere's comment yes there is new subsitute that carry blood. Polyheme and Biopure. Biopure is 100% cows blood that has been highly filtered. Polyheme is 100% human blood that has been highly filtered. Both of these are safe for all blood types and free of known risks. They are used to carry oxygen in the body. Both of these are OK to use according to the Society. Both however are 100% blood.

  • 4JWY

    As a Jdub, don't even think of getting involved in community endeavors or environmental issues as there is no time or valid reason for doing so in the jw mindset. Don't think about planting a tree on EARTH DAY, or even in the memory of a lost loved one.

    All of earth's ills will be cured when the "new system" comes, so we don't need to spend time in cleaning up the beaches, hugging trees, or saving whales.

    During 40 years, I never threw my coins in to any of the donation banks at the checkout counters for medical causes/research etc. What was the use? Only god will have the cure.

  • blondie

    Of course, some of these things are unwritten rules at the whim of the current CO or DO.

    I can remember one brother giving a talk on spriitism in movies saying Star Wars was not a movie for Christians.

    Knowing he was a Disney fan, I brought several of the tapes to the Sunday session that I knew he had and watched often and recommended. I had a little synopsis of the story and what it had in it spiritistic

    Snow White--Witch tries to kill Snow White with a poisonsed, talks to a magic talking mirror that can see magically.

    Beauty and the Beast--Man (and his servants) is transformed magically into a beast; can only be released magically.

    Cinderella--3 fairygodmothers who magically conjure up a dress, slippers, and a coach.

    Sleeping Beauty---She and the people at the castle magically go to sleep for a 100 years; prince battles the wicked queen who transforms into a dragon.

    The Littlest Mermaid---Sea Witch magically gives the mermaid legs.

    Aladdian--a magical genie

    etc, etc, etc.

    I suggest that if he tossed his tapes, I would take the counsel on spiritism in movies more seriously.

    HP is bad because the humans have magical powers; LOTR is okay because non-humans have the powers

    It's all a crock subject to change tomorrow.

    "For I am Jehovah; I have not changed. . . MALACHI 3:6
  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    LOL @ Loosie...*ahem*...I'd like to think I'm pretty skilled in that department already and uhhh...*blush*...since she let me do the honors since telling me it was banned, I have to believe that she does too.

    Blondie: Just to play devil's advocate for a moment, in LOTR the most powerful magic-user is Gandolf, and he is human. (How do they determine this stuff anyway, do they set up a committee of super-pure JWs who are beyond reproach to watch all the potentially "bad" movies, then tell the congregation what is banned? There is a famous quote I am reminded of by this, I forget who its by, but it goes "Who will watch the watchers?")

    Elsewhere: I am especially concerned about the blood thing, as my wife is anemic.

    Blackswan: We have no children as of yet, and due to things I am learning now about JWs, I'm not sure that I want any until this is somehow resolved. As for the why...I wish I knew. I can't help but wonder if I am partially to blame, my wife has been a stay-at-home housewife since getting out of the military, and I know that she is bored during the day when I'm at work...I keep asking myself if we had gone out more would she have been less bored, less inclined to take up with friendly and persistant people who kept coming to the door to talk...I've also been pressuring her somewhat to get a job, as money is tight for us...but she has been out of the military for some time now, and has said several times she feels like nobody wants to hire her because she has been out of the work force so long. Maybe I pressured her too much...or maybe as I saw someone say elsewhere here, its easy to feel good when you join the JWs, because whenever something doesn't go right you can chalk it up to "persecution".

  • Hondo


    I was in your shoes a few years ago and eventually lost my wife to the JW's (we were divorced in 2003). Had I known and was able to work with her in her early stages of her "free bible study" I think I would have been able to help her come to her senses. I was in the Navy at the time, at sea quite a bit, and just was not able to sit her down and tell her the facts of life. When I was able to finally wholeheartedly confront her it was too late. In fact, the event that brought everything to a head was when she refused to go with my son, daughter, and myself to visit my family on Christmas. Her response was that she was not allowed to anymore, which just about floored me. Everything went downhill from there. Our everyday conversations were basically arguments. Where in the past were were able to chat about everyday things and events, now the things that she learned as part of her study interlaced our every conversation. Of course she tried to get me to "join the club", on several occasions, claiming that we would be a happier family if I did. We talked of all the other restrictions and banns the JW's have to endure and she pretty much had a justificatiion (the JW canned answer) for each and and every one. She was like a robot. If there was an issue that got her to think, or where she had to form her own opinion, she usually clammed up and said nothing. She literally just looked at me with a blank stare like she did not understand anything I was sayhing. When I wanted to take her to dinner (I did try to love her as much as possible during our last couple years together) on the same night as a meeting, guess what, I lost out, the meeting took priority. On one occasion I was able to talk her out of going to one of her meetings. She said she had to call someone to let them know she was not be attending. 5 seconds after she got off the phone she bolted out the door exclaiming that she was going to die, or words to this affect.

    I could go on and on, but won't. I hope everything works out ok for you. There was nothing I could do to "SHOCK" my now ex-wife back to the real world. The WTS/JW's packaged and wrapped her real well. She only lives about 20 mins from me now and I see her from time-to-time. Because I'm not her husband anymore she refused to even acknowledge me if we meet on the street. It appears she will do anything they want her to do, and she looks it. The last time I saw her, about a month ago she looked like she'd aged significantly (she is 57 but looks 65). It was almost hard to recognize her.

    Take care and best to you.

  • Doom

    Just to redress the balance a bit on that LONG list LOL: :)

    "Become a Police Officer", err, YES you can. (depends on any oaths of allegience being required or not)

    "Have any job with a gun", err, YES you can. (but just don't expect to be used in the cong much, individual must accept possiblity of becoming bloodguilty if he has to use the weapon, e.g Police officer in the line of duty)

    Plus some of the the other stuff there that are mostly matters of conscience, local custom / taste etc. ... wearing combats (all the rage in the UK about 3 years ago), skirt length, movies etc. After all brothers in some island nations wear what we westerners would consider to be "skirts", local custom / taste makes them acceptable there, but they would not be acceptable here, so blunt generalisations (which I myself am very good at) do not always convey facts.

    But, what I didn't see much of on that list was SPIRITISM (in all it's many and subtle forms), the occult, and such like. (I have a bit of a thing about this as you maybe can tell) LOL


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