my sambo is gone :(

by MelbaToast 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Panda

    John Doe, Well you've made your point. BTW your argument is not logical. It seemed to me that you attempt to come off as such. Your self serving phrases prove unsuccessful. All of the situation points you refer to as,"we do not know (this or that)" Show that you do not think for an instant that this dog owner had made a mistake...yeah a mistake. The immature person who blames the victims family has need of life experience and a good course on Plato's philosophy.

  • MelbaToast

    Ok.. Im going to deal with this is the most civil way possible. My dog took off this morning, after I let him out to use the bathroom. I had to leave to go to my mother in laws, and called for him. He saw me, and took off the other way. toward a field.

    Of course I would be upset if a wreck was caused by me letting my dog out to go to the bathroom, but that is not what is at stake here. Throwing out hypothetical situations wont bring my dog back. However, if a wreck had happened, most likely case scenario I would know who hit my dog, because they would have looked at my dying dogs tags.

    He stays INSIDE all the time, my other dog stays out. I take responsibities for my actions, and yes I am upset that I let him out, but yeah, a dogs gotta piss. Or if you had it your way, I would have him contained in a pen, walking in his own feces and urine.

    just because I project my anger onto an unknown assailant that killed my dog, I have no personal responsibility????!!!??

    Your irritation about me thwocking your head is becuase of YOUR callousness toward my situation, not towards anyone that hit my dog.

    Do me a favor will ya, I dont want any of YOUR sympathy. Take it somewhere else.

  • kls

    John Doe , try to have a little feeling . Is that possible.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    As promised, I'm not replying to any more comments in this thread, but I thought I'd share one of my freshman essays about dogs.

    edited to John,

    I don't think essay should be posted on this thread. Start your own thread if you feel strongly about something.

    In the mean time, please be considerate of other people's feelings.


  • greendawn

    It made me feel sad that your dog got run over, I am so sorry.

  • 144001

    John Doe,

    While some of your points are valid, the callous disregard for Melba's feelings that you've demonstrated after she just experienced a very traumatic loss is rather disturbing. Do you have a heart somewhere in that torso?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I do feel strongly about these situations, and I apologize for come across as unfeeling. I do think I had a point to make, but this was not the appropriate place. Please accept my apologies. Right after losing your dog is not the right time to think about preventing it from happening again.

    About your dog, remember the fun times he had. I don't think dogs are aware of death, so their lives are happy ones.

  • sonnyboy
    The motorist (aka killer) was probably worried about a law suit

    If I'm not mistaken, the dog's owner would be liable for any damages, not the other way around. I highly doubt that anyone would purposely hit her dog. If someone's cattle got loose, stampeded across the road, and caused you to have an accident, wouldn't you go to the owner of the cattle and expect compensation? I don't see how that's different than any other loose domesticated animal potentially causing damage to personal property. It would have been nice if the people at least left a note, but were they really responsible for the dog's death? Any way you look at it, it would have been the right thing to do, but you know how people are. It can be traumatic enough just to hit an animal, yet alone facing the heartbroken owner.

    I've had a dog get hit before (and a goat), so I know what melba's going through. We lived in the country and didn't keep our dog contained (you've got to give melba points for trying). He would rarely ever leave the back yard, so we simply put a dog house out back and that's where he usually slept. One night at around 3 am someone knocked on the door, but I was half-asleep and didn't pay it much mind. Apparently my parents didn't hear anything because they didn't answer the door either. The next morning when I got on the bus, there lay Rocky on the side of the road.

    Although it was a sad day (I had Mom pick me up from school), I didn't really blame the motorist. Even if she didn't attempt to contact us about the dog, I realized that it was our fault for not having him either chained (I'd rather see a dog dead than stuck on a chain), penned (I also think this is a cruel way to keep an animal), fenced, or contained in some other way. Ever since then my parents have had their dogs spayed and neutered, which greatly reduced their urge to roam. They also keep their dogs on their large back porch when no one's home so they can't get into trouble. As for myself, I now have a house dog that's also neutered. If I allow him to get into a situation where an accident may happen, well, that's on me. Not only is there danger on the roads, but from other animals as well. Hopefully that scenario won't present itself.

    Melba, I know how traumatic the death of a pet can be, but I always look at it as a learning experience. I have a house full of animals, and when I lose one I try to think of how I can prevent it in the future.

  • MelbaToast

    Well, if I have anything to do with it, I won't be getting another dog for a while. We have another dog too, so he is grieving as well.

    I realize that yes I was partially at fault ( I realized that the minute I found him dead by the way) and didn't need a chastizing on the caretaking of animals from someone that doesnt know my home or my family well enough to make a judgement on what happened. Like I said, I was projecting my anger and grief into an unknown entity. Much like when people ask god why they allowed someone to die. Its a part of grieving. Leave me be. Im done with this thread. and I hope you let it die to John Doe. You have accomplished your goal, now dont you feel better? I hope so. And I hope, behind all that condemnation and bitterness, you find your way and learn to deal with the hatred and cynicism in your heart.

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