Attention! A friend in need has evolved!

by gringojj 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    Dennis will be an apostate in a few weeks or he will have so many questions the elders will know where his internet activities have led him or he will have to consult a psychotherapist because the cognitive dissonance is eating his heart out.

    Let the proselytizing begin.

  • ozziepost

    Quite so, Honesty!

  • greendawn

    Indeed a lot of staunch JW supporters eventually saw the light on the net and joined the ranks.

  • Honesty

    Ozzie, isn't it amazing how many devout, zealous and misled JW's join us after they explore the internet possibilities.

    Just think. If the internet had been around in 1879, where would the WTBTS be today. There might be a different landscape in Brooklyn Heights.

  • ozziepost

    What, you mean a great big sign saying "READ THE BOARD DAILY" ?

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    Hey ... gringo ... (aka) Super Sleuth ...

    Dennis I ain't.

    Your evolution story down the drain.

  • garybuss

    I used to have messages on my home answering machine like Gary, you're a worm! Gary, you suck! Gary, you're sick! You gonna DIE! until we got caller ID and I installed anonymous call blocker. Then it all stopped. It sounded like adolescents. I seriously doubt is was the children of other former Witnesses.

    I got snail mail too. The theme was "We never liked you when you were a Witness!". That fact had not gone unnoticed by me.

    I get LOTS of email. Most are friendly. Some of them are posted on Freeminds at:

    I appreciate it all.

  • love2Bworldly

    The JDumbers sound pretty alike, just like robots or Stepford wives. We can hope that they will continue to cruise the forum and learn many disturbing things that will disrupt their faith in their corrupt religion eventually.

  • LittleToe
    Indeed a lot of staunch JW supporters eventually saw the light on the net and joined the ranks.

    We've got ranks???

  • Crumpet

    of course LT - you are the rankest!

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