He Asked me to Marry him!

by Sparkplug 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai

    At least it'd give ya something to write about!!
    *avi, of the fan of sparky's writing, class*

  • Frog

    Hi Sparky, have had this happen when travelling a few times myself. Truth is there's a very lucrative market for this sort of thing, and if you're going to do it, you'd either want to do it for a very good friend, for someone who is in dire circumstances that requires a humanitarian rescue, of you'd want to be paid a large sum of money for taking the risk of breaking the law, and just the sheer inconvenience involved. Have thought about it myself for a friend in Africa, but at the end of the day there's allot more to it, and the inconvenience on your own life has be worth it. frog

  • Sparkplug

    Now as if the proposal was not mad enough..

    As I was talking to one of my upper class friends today who looks as if she would only burp soft pink bubbles, she let me know she actually had done this thing. a five year marriage in El Paso. I swear people are full of suprises. I actually think it would be a great story Avishai and nope... I think the proposal is enough for me to get quite stupid on the writing. Thanks for the encouragement. I do need to get busy with the writing..


  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    Is he one of Jahoobah's waitresses??

    Remember you can only marry in the troof

  • Odrade

    LOL! I had a big mexican ask me to marry him for a green card! Except he wasn't gay, and he knew a little more english... it went like this.

    "oh baybee, yoo are soooo boooteeefoool. i lobe yooor hairy sheeks!" (cheeks--and no I'm not whiskery, but I do have a certain "fuzz" at the hairline, which was the bane of my existence as a teenager, but *shrug* now I sound like a gorilla, but there it is!) "I haf a primer teasher in mejico weet hairy sheeks, she wer boooteeefooool jes like yooo! Marrry me por favor, te amo bella! I wan live aqui in Amerrrica! Porfavor boooteeefoool laaaaady!!!"

    Seriously. It was repeated. Often. Talk about pee-your-pants funny! (and no I didn't marry him. )

  • chrissy

    HA! Elsewhere... Negotiating a Reasonable BRIDE-PRICE: An excerpt:

    Sadly, in today's materialistic world... marriages are negotiated "simply for the sake of profiteering by greedy fathers." Another factor is economic pressure that tempts some parents into viewing their daughters as a means of easing a financial crisis.*

    Forget that this is a culturally acceptable spin on what I see as legalized sex trading...the wt figures out a way to christian it up by cautioning to "avoid unchristian traits" by way of materialistic thinking when selling your daughters to the highest bidder, citing the ways of these poor bastards...

    Some husbands have not shown respect when the family has been reasonable in their demands, viewing their wives as being purchased for the price of a 'goat.'"
    thank the lord I was not born a dub in camaroon. my greedy parents would have likely traded me for a few weaved baskets and some fruit.
  • Golf

    Why ruin a good relationship? I get your drift.


  • Sparkplug

    odrade- LMAO.. Very scary stuff!

  • rebel8
    Negotiating a Reasonable BRIDE-PRICE: http://www.watchtower.org/library/w/1998/9/15/article_01.htm

    Started to read this but had to stop as I was getting ill.

    Stopped at the part where they said it would be wrong to let relatives negotiate instead of the father because it wouldn't be respecting his headship....as if that's the biggest problem with selling your kids. (Sorry for being ethnocentric, but in my neck of the woods, this practice is really shocking and disgusting.)

    PS- I didn't have the desired milk up the nostrils because it's a fairly common practice. I know 2 people personally who have done it. I've been proposed to several times while out of the country too, with offers of cash to get married.

  • Sparkplug

    Rebel. I went back and read that link... That was from a Watchtower. I do not even get it? How can they get away with what was written? It blows my mind.

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