He Asked me to Marry him!

by Sparkplug 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    Should I say yes?

    Actually I have a friend in Mexico who wants a green card. I cannot see any purpose in marrying a VERY large, Spanish speaking, GAY man in order to get him a green card. Can you?

    But still he did learn to tell me he loves me in English. More than you get out of most English folks...ya' must admit!

    Gotta love a man who cooks and cleans, loves ya, does not even want to live with you and does not care if you sleep around....

  • rebel8

    My opinion? No. It's against the law. You are going to have to do a lot of lying to Immigration to pull that off. They actually follow people around and make sure you're living together, wearing a ring, and interrogate you to see if you hold hands and sleep in the same bed. A relative of mind did this, and so did a friend of mine. That's what happened to them. Big risk to take for no benefit to you.

  • RichieRich
    marrying a VERY large, Spanish speaking, GAY man in order to get him a green card.

    Thats just me without the gay...

    But if you're not planning on getting married, do it for him...

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    i agree with richie. if u'r not attached, go for it! it could be the nicest thing u'd ever do.

    luv, jojo

  • Sparkplug

    Rebel... It was totally not even a concideration in a serious way. I could net even fake this man being straight...not can I fake knowing Spanish...nor any of the above.

    For any that know me...marriage left many a sour melody in my mouth and I don't see love happening for me. That is why the proposal was so very funny to me.

  • Purza

    If you do. . . just make sure you have a pre-nup.


  • Sparkplug

    He even offered to pay. I just cannot do it. It would have to take someone without children and all of the fears that come with having been used before. At least he is honest in his intentions.

  • Sparkplug

    Purza- And that is why I will not do it. No way am I going down that road again. You would be amazed what people take from you even when you have nothing so to speak....

  • love2Bworldly

    I hope you're not even considering it! You are tied to the person in many ways, legally and financially. They can wreck your credit and if they don't pay their taxes the IRS will come after you! Take it from a person who has 2 whacko exhusbands--don't do it!

  • Sparkplug

    RichieRich- You marry him....

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