List Your Favorite Foreign (non-American) Films Here!

by Funchback 56 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Sonnyboy, I think the Scottish film you mentioned is called "Sweet Sixteen"-Excellent film.

    City Of God is one of the best films I have ever seen.

    "Withnail and I" This one is is from the UK and is hilarious



    "Zatoichi the Blind Swordsman" (2004-Directed by Kitano)

    "The Shogun Assassin"

    "Twilight Samurai"

    "The Butcher Boy"- Irish and creepy

  • nowisee

    chariots of fire

    swept away (NOT the madonna version)

    i'll think of more too.....

  • Whiskeyjack


    My favourite "foreign" film is the Australian flick The Nostradomus Kid. It's a coming of age film (autobiographical for the writer/ director) about a young man in the Seven Day Adventist outfit who starts to reject his programming and his faith (the "assembly scene" in which they talk about the "last generation" is priceless!).

    Set in 1962, this film is a must see for JW's! (hard to find though)


  • stevenyc

    Wow, I've enjoyed every film in these post, they are all amazing.

    I suprised that 'Cinema Paradiso' isnt mentioned though.


  • Leolaia

    Any film buffs know Russian movies well? There is one I saw years ago I can't find on Google, and would love to know the title. It's about a woman who turns 25 or so, and before her birthday puts an ad in the newspaper seeking her long lost dad, mentioning that she was the result of a one night stand in a Black Sea resort on a specific date. Then, when her birthday arrives, three men show up claiming to be her lost father. One is an actor, one is a cosmonaut, I forgot what the third one was. And each of them bring for her a stuffed dog as a birthday present. They have a wonderful evening together, each vying in his own way as the legitimate father, but the woman falls for all of them and almost doesn't want to know the truth and wishes all three could be her real father. Then in the morning, while she is still sleeping, each in turn discovers the photo of her mother, and learns the truth that she was not the woman they had the one night stand with, so it turns out that none of them was her father, and they leave in sadness.

    Anyone know this movie? It's not in English as far as I know; I watched the original in Russian and the guy I was dating translated it for me on the fly into English.

  • SixofNine

    Leo, I think the movie you're thinking of is "Tpoe Nanoykas for Svetlana"?

  • Sparkplug

    ok.....I have been sitting here trying to think of the name of this film I just thought was so very amazing...and then I read backwards thru the posts and there it was...The Butcher Boy

  • googlemagoogle

    city of god is great. anyone seen "barfuss" by/starring til schweiger? nice movie.

  • Leolaia

    Six....Do have any more info about it? I can't find a thing about it on Google.

  • Narkissos

    Here's a start in alphabetical order of directors, keeping to one film each whereas most if not all of them are masterpieces, skipping the French and English too. Btw I don't know the English titles of non-English movies so some of them will be incorrect.

    Bergman, (also) Cries and whispers.

    Buñuel, Viridiana.

    Dreyer, Ordet.

    Fellini, Amarcord.

    Kaurismäki, The Match Factory Girl.

    Kiarostami, Where is my friend's house?

    Kurosawa, Rashomon.

    Mikhalkov, The First Master.

    Mizoguchi, The Crucified Lovers.

    Ozu, The taste of Sake

    Pasolini, Theoreme.

    S. Ray, The Music Room.

    Tarkovsky, (also) The Mirror.

    Wajda, The Birch Wood.

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