
by Chia 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • the_classicist
    Wow, that was almost spooky reading the Nicene creed. I haven't attended Catholic services in 20 years, but I still could recite that if I was in a coma.

    They don't say the Nicene Creed anymore in Canada, only the Apostles Creed.

    "I went to a Catholic church or an Anglican church and it felt cold, insincere, unwelcoming or whatever and so ALL Catholic, Anglican, Baptist or whatever churches must be like that."
    In effect making a blanket assessment of a denomination by an impression of one congregation.

    Most likely a Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican service would feel cold is that these denominations usually consider it a *faux pas* to talk in church, as its considered disrespectful.

  • Pubsinger

    Do you mean "talk" during the service or talk in the church building?

  • Pubsinger

    The reason that I ask is because if you mean talking in the actual building you have just demonstrated my point totally.

    In some churches it is true that when you walk in the people are sitting quietly in their seats waiting for the service to start or maybe praying or meditating quietly.

    But in other churches of the same denomination there is an absolute hubbub before a service.

    The church I attend is like that. In fact I commented only last week before a service that it was great to hear so much life!

    However the church across the common which is the same denomination (Anglican) is known to be quieter and more reflective and serene in it's approach and personality. Nobody takes that as a critisism just an observation of the different church personalities.

    Both churches, by the way, get on very well and do lots of things together.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    I'm not sure that it's realistic to say

    "I went to a Catholic church or an Anglican church and it felt cold, insincere, unwelcoming or whatever and so ALL Catholic, Anglican, Baptist or whatever churches must be like that."

    In effect making a blanket assessment of a denomination by an impression of one congregation.

    Not sure if you was having a go at my comment about confirming Chias experience of a catholic church - if you was please read what I put in the brackets:

    From my experience

    i know that there is different churches thats why i put that in. I still stand by what I said about the whole churchs way of operating ie ruling through guilt and fear etc.

    On the thing about not talking in church (catholic ones at least) thats cos everythings made out to be so damn holy that you daren't talk - to me its just another part of that guilt/fear/keeping you in your place front - you not worthy to approach god, you have to go via the priest - outside church no salvation cos you can't reach god by yourself.

  • Kenneson


    I attend Catholic Church and love it. The people are friendly and I feel quite welcome. You may have felt that the shaking of hands was insincere, but at least it's an attempt to "break the ice." I guess it's not always successful. My experience was exactly the opposite of yours. The question is: Should church members try to reach out to each other and strangers? At our church, after Mass, the priest stands outside and shakes the hands of those who are in a hurry to leave. Other people stand around and talk or go to the social hall for coffee and doughnuts and to fraternize. Again, I don't think it's insincere. Moreover, there are many other opportunities where you can get to know the people a lot better. If the Catholic Church was as cold as some claim, I certainly wouldn't attend.

  • Evanescence
    They ruled by guilt and fear - after all, if you leave how do you get your sins forgiven? We were never encouraged to read or study the Bible, teachings were to be accepted without question, no salvation outside the church (I think the official stand has changed on that now - but at ground level? not really).

    I always had the sense that people were watching and whispering about what others did. If someone left, as I eventually did, they wouldn't miss you - you're just an insignificant part in a massive money making machine - oh if you had money they LOVED you!! (if not, tough). It took me over 10 years to fight through the guilt and finally leave - and now some of my family hate me for leaving - the bloody hypocrites aren't even 'practising' Catholics!!!

    Wow I never known the catholic church to be like that

    I read the bible, catholics do encourage it, nothing wrong with reading the bible.

    lol about the money just put an empty envolope in the colelction plate, works like a charm

    As a catholic I don't think salvation is found only in the catholic church, all is needed is to accept jesus as your saviour and believe that he died your your sins and to love god.

    The church is there just to help people grow stronger in christ and to have christian fellowship.

    I can understand the 'wierd' feeling with the church, catholics do understand that, its a stage new converts or people unfamiliar with the faith goes through, it would jsut be like visiting a different country, the environment is different, and you feel like a stranger.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    The question is: Should church members try to reach out to each other and strangers? At our church, after Mass, the priest stands outside and shakes the hands of those who are in a hurry to leave. Other people stand around and talk or go to the social hall for coffee and doughnuts and to fraternize. Again, I don't think it's insincere. Moreover, there are many other opportunities where you can get to know the people a lot better. If the Catholic Church was as cold as some claim, I certainly wouldn't attend.

    Kenneson, you hit the nail on the head when you say should church members try to reach out to each other and strangers. All the rest sounds great too - I think the problem we have in the uk is that 'great british reserved stiff upper lip' personality - this sort of fraternizing doesn't occur in many places around here - think thats what made the JWs look so appealing, they're friendly and there when the organisation you depend on has let you down.

    just make sure you don't believe that 'accept all our teachings or accept none of them' crap.

  • Pubsinger

    Hi Sad emo.

    Sorry, I wasn't having a go at you. I was commenting generally about the huge spectrum of church personalities within a denomination.

    Just noticed you're a Brit. There seems to be a lot of new Brit posters at the mo.

    The more the merrier!

    Which part of the country are you?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    lol about the money just put an empty envolope in the colelction plate, works like a charm

    I just picked myself up off the floor - must try that some time!!!

    catholic churches sound great down under too - am I just living in the wrong country? wonder if its like the church here still has a huge headache from the reformation and the rest..

    hi pubsinger - like you I'm from the indipendent Republic of Yorkshire

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    by reading some of these "church is a negative experience" comments....I get the impression that some are expecting the spiritual experience to by caused by other people, rituals, books, works, buildings etc. These are all just tools. A spiritual experience between you and your maker comes from within. This is your personal private relationship and experience.

    When I was a child, the tools were exposed little by little and I was shown how to to help develop this relationship. Everything was in the beginning, elementary in the instruction and understanding. During my teens I still didn't make the connection and saw things as literal and from the outside only. I stopped thinking about any of it for a long time. As years went on, the more living, reading, experience, loving etc the more I understood the power of this inner spiritual strength. Now when I happen to find myself in a "house of God" during whatever service is going on, there is a peace & prayer and meditation just flow., and I can feel like I'm the only one there.

    Everyone is in different stages of their personal journey. Don't expect others to do it for you. It comes from within. Between you and your God.

    sincerely wp

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