What are the differences between JW’s of different countries?

by DannyBloem 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DannyBloem

    Hi Katie,

    No, she is not an active witness bot not disfellowshipped. The girls are not witnesses. I talked to the girls and they say that they never had a JW customer. So no further scandals here.

    She does not pay any money or so. They just do not care that much, ans she is welcome on parties.

  • greendawn

    What I had noticed is that the cultural background and national temperament of JWs does have a strong influence on their behaviour in this religion. I get the impression that the English speaking JWS are the strictest, most inflexible and fanatical of all.

  • FairMind

    DannyBloem, is there anyway I can confirm what you are saying about Belgium JWs and their liberal standards (beards and toplessness)? I would love to prove this to my wife but she wouldn't accept an anonymous post from an apostate website. You can PM me if this is possible.

  • soundbox_guy

    Dang, I wish some of the sisters around here could get away with topless nudity.

  • greendawn

    It sounds too good to be true but just next door to Belgium in Holland they are a very liberal lot.

  • PaulJ

    Blimey. Can you imagine a belgian sister whipping her top off during a conservative british congregation barbeque? The football would stop.... the PO would choke on his burger...... childrens eyes would be covered, the MS's would pretend they didnt notice, the gossipers would pause for a moment and everyones jaw would hit the floor. And if it was caught on camcorder??? How much would THAT be worth?

  • DannyBloem
    Blimey. Can you imagine a belgian sister whipping her top off during a conservative british congregation barbeque?

    Well, here it really depends on the occasion. We have consevatie BBQ's too. And yes people speak about those thing also, and not too positive. But I said you can get away with it, not that it is totally viewed as normal.

    The football would stop.... the PO would choke on his burger...... childrens eyes would be covered, the MS's would pretend they didnt notice, the gossipers would pause for a moment and everyones jaw would hit the floor.
    And if it was caught on camcorder??? How much would THAT be worth?

    How much is it worth to you? I can send a girl from my aunte's 'workplace' over, she would be more then willing to give a show. ha ha ha.

  • greendawn

    Topless girls (sisters), are the ultra stern and ultra conservative GB losing their grip on European congos, it's a good sign, apart from being good for the emotional health of JW males.

  • Abaddon

    Danny, what's seen with the JW's is not that much different to the differences in, say, Roman Catholicism.

    My girlfriend is a Roman Catholic. But she's a Dutch Roman Catholic, and her village is so liberal the Priest has hung on past retirement, as when he goes and some snot-nosed seminary rat gets appointed as the new Priest it will end an era. When we marry we'll probably be able to have a more-or-less non-religious ceremony performed by him in the Church (the former being my wish and the latter her wish).

    Compare the majority of BeNeLux RC's to Irish, Spanish or Polish ones and there is a BIG difference!

    Thus the extra liberal nature of the Congregations in Belgium is no surprise; the thing about beards is pretty hard to justify anyway, Northern Europeans don't generally associate topless sunbathing with sex (which many Brits and Americans do for some daft reason).

    Some parts of the world cut-off famly members who are DF'd even though there is room in the Society's publications not to, in other parts of the world it is only the hard-line individuals who do that if any do do that.

    The "Jehovah's people is one people" stuff only works in a pre-Internet society where the local differences between Congregations are not so easily discovered. The JW's are trying desperately to keep JW's away from the Internet, but they may as well try to council against the use of electricity.

    Next time I'm near you I'll send you a PM, maybe buy you a beer or something if you're free... I'm not even df'd or da'd so you'll be safe....

  • blondie

    It has been said that the farther you get from NY Bethel headquarters, the more liberal things get.

    It has also been said that the closer you get to NY Bethel headquarters, the less worshipful of Bethel the rank and file are.

    I have seen truth in both of those statements.

    Urban congregations tend to be more modern in dress and actions as well because they measure themselves by the non-JWs around them; being a little less wild and accepting that as an improvement.

    Overall, I think the US is pretty straight-laced compared to Europe.


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