DC IN Kansas City -120 years stressed

by stillajwexelder 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rick1199

    They will hint around the date for a few years, let the rank and file pick up on the idea, before they publish it.

    That way the R&F will feel clever for working it out and will believe it as it has been there for a while.

  • rick1199

    The problem with the 2034 date is it is a LONG way off. Where is the urgancy ?

    By the time it comes I'll be 55, My Mum will be 85.

    Why should I worry about being reinstated until I am 50 ?

    My theory is they will have to 'Close the door' if they ever make this date public, i.e. stop doing a preaching work and start telling people they are damned and cant sign up any more. Otherwise where will the motivation for people to sign up come from if the end is 25 years away ?

  • TheListener

    Due to the number of people that leave each year, either voluntarily or kicked out a closed door policy would never work. They would be shooting themselves in the foot.

    More likely they'll start saying that 2034 is the outermost date possible. Thus it could come at any time between now and then. Keep on the Watch! This way the further we get into the 21st century more excitement will be generated.

    Without something like this the further we get into the 21st century the less excitement and more dropouts will be generated.

  • GetBusyLiving

    :So what do we do with "this generation shall by no means pass away".

    It was said regarding the present generation of Jesus' day. He lied.

    Now for God's sake lets move on.


  • upside/down

    Amen bro!

  • Rod P
    Rod P


    Actually, I agree with you. If you study the views of the Preterists, they see the words of prophesy as being fulfilled in the days of Jesus and the Apostles, culminating with the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in 70 AD. That makes a lot more sense to me than trying to fit 2000 year-old prophecies into the 20th or 21st Centuries.

    I'm not really hung up about the "generation" thing here. What I am dwelling on, however, is "What is the JW leadership up to next?" They are the ones with the problem of "generation", given their many false prophecies and changing dates. But this has also produced a pattern of behavior on their part, namely, that every time they come up with a new date, the R&F get all fired up again, and then their numbers start to swell once more. The message is what drives their numbers. When the old message fails, its time to make up a new one. That's what I suspect may be happening here with the 120 year thing, but I can only speculate at the moment. Time will tell.

    Rod P.

  • love2Bworldly

    The BS just gets deeper every year.

    In the 'so glad I'm out of the BS' class.

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