After 15 Years I Finally Did It

by Honesty 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jst2laws


    Did that for the first time about one year ago, sworn into the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Felt strange for the first time. Deprogramming is a step at a time.


  • Sith

    TO, isn't freedom wonderful?

  • GetBusyLiving

    Good for you Honesty! I personally can't wait to start voting. Even though there's problems.. still a hell of a lot to be proud of.


  • gumby
    I was simply affirming loyalty to a country

    Not to be the scrooge of the bunch........but how exactly does one "prove" their loyalty to their country? Lets say....a woman. How do all the women in the U.S. prove, demonstrate, show, their "loyalty" to their country? By not bombing that how? By paying their taxes so that it? Or is it by picking up litter to keep our land clean? Just HOW does one affirm their loyalty?

    Is it neccesary we all stand there and make this pledge as if to say...."if we don't say this thing regularly, we Americans might prove disloyal to our country".

    Personally....I think it's dumb and never have liked talking to a piece of cloth as if it reminds me to be a decent citizen.

    Gumby.......doesn't mean to rain on honesty's parade

  • Dragonlady76

    Good for you!

    I figured out when I was in about 4th grade that doing so would not make me a bad person. I hated having to stand outside the classroom when ever the pledge came on.


  • Podiatrist

    Good for you Honesty, time to celebrate

  • SallySue

    Good going. It was at Vacation Bible School that I first said the pledge to both the American flag and the Christian flag. The ceiling didn't fall on me either.

    I'm a registered voter and it sure feels good to express my feelings in that manner.

  • Honesty
    I was simply affirming loyalty to a country

    Not to be the scrooge of the bunch........but how exactly does one "prove" their loyalty to their country?

    Affirm: v.i. declare solemnly, in lieu of swearing upon oath

    Prove: v. make certain, by by adducing evidence

    We can't expect a lumpy pile of PlayDough to own a dictionary.

  • startingover

    Gumby, I totally agree with your remarks here.

    Is it neccesary we all stand there and make this pledge as if to say...."if we don't say this thing regularly, we Americans might prove disloyal to our country".

    Personally....I think it's dumb and never have liked talking to a piece of cloth as if it reminds me to be a decent citizen.
  • Honesty
    Good going. It was at Vacation Bible School that I first said the pledge to both the American flag and the Christian flag. The ceiling didn't fall on me either.

    We said the pledge to the Christian flag and also to the Bible as God's Word and the Pledge to the American flag one right after another. I'll save some of the confession of faith details for another thread after I hear how few JW's were baptised world-wide at the "Obey the Borg" District Conventions.

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