Hello world, this is my first post ever...

by zagor 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    Yea but in fairness how could you give them a hard time? You had horns but no balls.

    Now you've got horns AND balls. I bet you've got a little pointy tail too?

    On a tangent - I dreamed last night that I was in this place filled with australian animals, it was great. There was this big kangarooy type thing I was trying to hug. Maybe it was prophecy? About the coming of YOU to the board?? Its as good as anything in Revelations.

  • zagor

    LOL katiekitten

    makes you think doesn't it? :)

    the only think that I feel sorry about is my mom and sis that are still there, but who knows what tomorrow brings ...

  • jgnat

    Welcome, zagor. I recognize that feeling of not saying enough. Maybe it is the windowless atmosphere. Perhaps it is the preponderance of pomposity. It could be the rigidly uniform expression all around. I also have not said all I should in a Kingdom Hall. One young man did. He rambled on about hell and pyramids..... they kept a very close eye on him. Maybe they put something in the air?

    Katiekitten, true words, these.

    They must have been keeping them on a shelf in a jar in the back room. Now if we could find that shelf, we could hand out everyones balls, and the borg would be powerless against our testacular expolits!
    I should put them on business cards and post them around the house.
  • TheListener

    Welcome Zagor,

    Smoking eh? Well you could have gotten a resurrection for that. But, now you're an apostate - bye bye resurection!

    Good to have you hear. Look forward to your input.

  • Dragonlady76


    Now that your df'd start enjoying life.


  • mad max
    mad max

    Welcome Zagor Welcome, feel free. Oh its wonderful.

    Nb just a wee word to Loubelle, just now you to will be free like zagor (though i know you feel that already), your commitee case coming up on Sun 12th. Prehaps zagor can give you a tip.

  • zagor

    Thanx guys,

    thanks max.

    a tip? well just tell them the truth that's what they hate the most. They, rather have you pretend you are sorry even though they know its bull, but in their twisted minds they see it as subjection to theocratic order i.e. your fear tells them you admit they're top dogs.

    be yourself, don't let them take that away from you, guard your dignity.

    that's about as much as I can give you :-)

  • Sunspot

    Hello and welcome Zagor!

    Smoking huh? It did in two in my family too! One was a MS that everyone thought that butter wouldn't melt in his mouth----and the other was hubby, who never made it up the steps to his baptism because he still smoked. This was before the ban on smoking in the mid 70's.

    Anyhoooo...........you're free and can LIVE again! You are no longer under the control of the WTS---and do THEY like to be in control, huh?

    Nice to have you here.



  • GetBusyLiving

    Hey nice to meet you zagor. Hope you stick around and post lots.


  • minimus

    What made you join??

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