No compassion during Bible Study

by Grace 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Netty

    What the H3!! That is horrible!

  • desbah

    that really takes no compassion...that b**** was worried about is her JW time and not concern about the person she's studing i heard i all

  • whyamihere

    This still makes me Ill!

    I remember when my Brother who was 15(I was 13) Had a Tumor in his head....and we where shunned by the congregation because we didn't make it to all the meetings. My parents were at the Mayo Clinic in MN off and on for months. While us 5 kids 16, 13, 11, 9 and 8 stayed home. We had no help! Us kids did everything!

    I hate that Cult!


  • Es

    OMG wheres the compassion wheres the love. AHHHH it gets me so angry es

  • Purza

    She sounds like a drone. They only hear what they want to hear (or are programmed to hear). Sad.


  • BeVirusFree

    You life revoloves around their studies!!!

  • Confession

    Okay... I, uncharacteristically, will take a different position from the group. (shudder) I mean, yes, to hear the story, it does sound awful. But isn't it possible this woman just slipped? I know I've done things like that many times in the past, and it wasn't because I was a nasty jerk. One time an older return visit of mine mentioned to me he'd just gotten out of the hospital. NOW I know not to ask "what for," but at the time I hadn't figured this out. "They castrated me," came his reply. What came out of my mouth following that was purely a nervous tension response. I think it was something just short of saying how it would no doubt grow back in the new system--or at least a comment about looking ahead to the new system.

    I also remember talking to an old radio friend of mine who was trying to get a job at the station where I worked, since he'd just been fired. Our conversation turned to the new morning radio team who'd just hit town. I mentioned how much I liked their show--and how glad I was that the market had a fresh, new radio program in the morning. It wasn't until the next day that I realized this team had replaced HIM--and that's why he was fired.

    You know, when my friends and family who are JWs finally decide to consider me an apostate, they will suddenly find all sorts of fault with me. They will pull out things from my past, perhaps quoting me when I'd made a comment without thinking, pointing to these things as indicators that I was a bad seed all along. I don't want to be this way in the reverse. Certainly we can identify so much about the Watchtower Society and individuals within the organization that is clearly just plain horrifying. And maybe this woman was indeed a disgraceful moron. But unless you can state with 100% certainty that you yourself have never said or done something pretty bad without thinking, can you really be positive that this wasn't just a slip?

  • swirlgirl

    Yes, I know what you mean about the no compassion. I would always make excuses for it in my mind and then you know the good ole catch all phase the dubes like to use " We're all imperfect!", as that would excuse any rudeness, lack of common decency or humanity! I look back at the haughtiness and pride I saw, but denied it then. In the 70's when I was drawn to the cult, it did have alot of love and concern I could see, that has gone downhill. Also class consciousness, status etc. is such an issue. When I married in the cult in 1975, the whole congregation was automatically invited. It was a pot luck, that the women organized. We just got the cake and the meat. It was fun. Now, your have to be invited, many are not in the same congregation which is of course cruel and mean. They have expensive showy sit down affairs etc. They are more "worldly" than so called worldly people! I could go on and on, but the most blantant I have come to know is a black JW woman, while in the door knocking business with several white JW women, was totally ignored, like she was not there, as they planned the shopping, lunch and activities they were going to do after the knocking session! When my black friend told me was hard for me to stomach. Racial, what do you think? No other reason. They claim you will know they are "true Christians" because of their "love", it is a phoney, showy, false love, just like the cult. I just recently came out of the cult the first of 2005. I had a "feeling" for several years, but kept telling myself it was me....then I had enough and thank the true Lord and Savior, I came to know the real truth about "the truth". Thanks for listening. Please all and any e-mail me. I live in a small mid-western town and have no one that understands my plight here. I am marked of course from the small congregation I was associated with. I am just glad to be free..

  • LouBelle

    It's almost as if the Witnesses are devoid of emotion. They cannot operate like normal humans, they have ""time counting"" on their minds more than the emotional/physical well being of their fellow brothers/studies/humans.

    It truly sickens me to the very pit of my stomach.

    Oh how oh how can you love God who can't see and yet despise your brother whom you can. The words to Love one another go so unheeded - The witnesses do NOT understand what Love actually means. They have a intellectual knowledge of the different types of love but very rarely do they. practise love.

  • zagor

    I've seen such kinds of bitches on daily basis, and I'm not talking about women.

    I remember this one time an elder took me to his study with 90-something old guy. Needless to say poor fellow was with one leg in grave already and couldn’t either hear or comprehend things porperly. And this bastard started almost yelling at this old gentleman, in his own house. I couldn't wait to get out.
    As soon as we got out I've asked him about it. And bastard after that even tried to make fun of me, apparently in revenge.

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