Anybody else see a problem with this website?

by avishai 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Confession

    Finally-Free, that's a great point. Aside from the abuse issue, this is just how I felt things were in the organization. When I was an elder, sitting on Judicial Committees, there was a principle I found all too common. Elders would look for a person to completely agree with them, their opinions or conclusions. If you didn't do this, you were pretty well considered "unrepentant." I remembered trying to sway things away from this. For instance, when we were deliberating over an accused brother who was angry and outspoken about the conclusions the committee was coming to, most of the elders attempted to suggest that this anger was evidence of his "lack of humility." While I was convinced this guy was guilty, I still tried to show them how this is exactly how a person would act if he were in fact innocent--and that it might be simple righteous indignation.

    I also recall being in a meeting with a man and woman. Our PO kept saying things like, "Now we know it NEVER comes down to one person being wrong and the other one right. It's ALWAYS a two-way street." I can recall thinking, "Wait a minute. Usually this is the case. But SOMETIMES it IS one person's fault. If a guy is getting drunk and smashing things, sometimes it was NOTHING the wife did that caused it. And this is just as well true if it is the WOMAN who is getting drunk and smashing things around the house. Because he suggested she back off on the margaritas is not a reason to say that he shares in the blame."

    When I was in my own Judicial Committee, and one elder told me I had the "obligation" to confess any wrongdoing to the elders--and I shared that I hadn't been convinced I did have that obligation--no amount of humility or repentance mattered. If I was not in total and complete agreement with any Society mandate, it meant I was unrepentant. Even though I had in fact come forward and confessed--and was clearly looking for their assistance. Merely showing them the Society's own writings that demonstrated that it is God to whom we confess and from whom we receive forgiveness and asking for their help in understanding it, to them, meant I was "minimizing" what I'd done. HIlarious.

    Yes, if you speak out on your behalf, very often in this organization, it means you're a bad person.

  • avishai

    Yeah, confession, I always hated that list, and similar "jokes"which I viewed as sexist, if you revesed the genders, most people that laughed at the list would be furious if you sent it out. The EXCUSE for thes types of lists is often "well, men have behaved badly for thousands of years, patriarchy, etc." you should be able to handle a litlle payback etc." which really pises me off, because i was never the one doing those things.

    Rule # 9 - The female has the right to become angry or emotionally upset at any time.
    Rule # 11 - If the female has PMS, all rules are null and void at her discretion----see rules 1,2,5 and 7

    And if I were a WOMAN I'd be furious at this list too, as it says women are total creatures of emotion, with no personal responsibility. Lists like thses disgust me.

  • sonnyboy

    I stopped reading after the second sentence. Whoever wrote that article is a moron.

  • upside/down

    Avi- My wife hit me about 30 front of my kids... then she swatted me with a piece of laundry and a button hit me in the eye HARD... out of reflex I took a defensive swipe at her with my weak arm... SHE FREAKED...called 911 and tried to have me incarcerated for ABUSE.

    Thank Gawd the cops were smart..they interviewed the kids and watched how she was TOTALLY BACKFIRED.

    They totally understood the sitch and removed HER from the home.

    Sometimes reasonableness does prevail...though not nearly often enough

    Good observation.

    u/d (of the only hits chicks to hit me first class)

  • avishai

    Yeah, it's ironic how funny people react when you defend yourself. Also funny how your kids stand up for ya! You must be a good Dad!
    If your still in the relationship, i hope she's gotten help, nobody deserves to get hit 30 times, much less once.

  • upside/down

    Yup...the marriage is still "on", the kids are doing GREAT...and after exiting the bOrg she finally got some real "help".

    Even though she hit me a lot... she never did any real physical damage. Lucky for me. But when I did finally hit her back (the ONLY time I've ever struck another adult) I realized how much damage I COULD HAVE done... the sexes are NOT equal in this area. Hitting a chick is NOTHING like hitting a dude... I could have wrecked her with a well placed intentional blow... it scared me. It scared her even more.

    I'm so glad that is in the past...and there is no more of this kind of behaviour in my family.

    "Life's a bitch...and then you realize you joined a cult"

    u/d(of the lost some battles but is winning the war class)

  • avishai
    Even though she hit me a lot... she never did any real physical damage. Lucky for me. But when I did finally hit her back (the ONLY time I've ever struck another adult) I realized how much damage I COULD HAVE done... the sexes are NOT equal in this area. Hitting a chick is NOTHING like hitting a dude... I could have wrecked her with a well placed intentional blow... it scared me. It scared her even more.

    Not that I'm condoning it, but did she ever hit you after that?

  • AuldSoul

    Makes you wonder what gender wrote the article...


  • doofdaddy

    My ex was an abuser.

    She was petite, intelligent, incredibly feminine and under 130lbs. She came from a non violent family.

    Some days she would just lose it (behind closed doors).

    One time she broke her wrist punching me in the face, well attempting, as I saw it coming and head butted her fist.

    Of course I would discuss this behaviour when she settled and she would make statements like "you drove me to it" or "you just make me so angry" Sound familiar? I would say to her that if I had hit her and used that excuse, I would be doing time....

    Luckily for me at the time I was extremely fit and strong so no major physical damage except for a bit of blood (thrown keys) and bruises but psychologically very disturbing.

    Yes we were jws.

  • avishai
    Of course I would discuss this behaviour when she settled and she would make statements like "you drove me to it" or "you just make me so angry" Sound familiar? I would say to her that if I had hit her and used that excuse, I would be doing time....

    Heard that one....

    Seems like a common thread with abusers, the inability to take personal responsibility for their actions.

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