Campaign to stop pro-JW documentary

by Grace 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    Joel Engardio on the right...

  • Gill

    Hi All!

    There was a programme about JWs on Channel 4, in the UK a few years ago. It was supposed to show them in a very positive light. There was no, negative views by ex JWs at all. If it's any comfort to you all in the US the film was seriously cringe making and showed the JWs up to be a bunch of dumb asses! There was a family, the father an elder, and their eldest daughter DA'd. Anyway, the family were trying to get her to come back into the truth, and she had a car crash one particular day. The mother, when interviewed about it, said she was positive that the car crash was caused by Satan as he could see that their daughter was beginning to respond to the troof again!

    The whole thing was vomit inducing even to myself, still a good little JW at the time. There were many more 'pathetic' incidents and it really was very revealing.

    I'm afraid, shown as they are, the JWs can't help but come up looking like a bunch of freaks.

    Try not to worry too much about it, but no doubt a few ex JW views will help to show their beliefs up as stupid and crack pot even more so.

    Good luck with your emailing!

  • kazar


    Can anyone tell me, or does anyone know when this pro-JW documentary is going to be aired? Any tips for contacting PBS about it? Awaiting reply.


  • jgnat

    Kazar, read every post on this thread. Links and contacts are all listed. The documentary director, himself, on his website, announces that this documentary will be aired some time in 1996.

  • pc

    I looked at the website and I am not sure if it will be favorable or not. The way they have placed the question marks looks as if they are going to make statements aganist what the JW's profess. Am I missing something? Also should I write to both the PBS station as well as the website???

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    documentary will be aired some time in 1996.


    Damn, you mean we missed it already???

  • outoftheorg

    I sent an e mail to pbs as an ex jw elder and requested they do more research on this upcoming program.

    Referred to Silent Lambs and mentioned the jw's and their positive responses to Hitler until Hitler rejected them.

    I gave them my e mail addy so we will wait and see what happens.


  • TooOpinionated

    There were some great letters on this subject written here.


    Here's what I sent: (even though it's an "old" website) ... I figure it's never too late for the truth to be known. Don't hide your light under a bushel ... now where'd I read that???

    I used to be a member in good standing of the organization you are referring to. I wish you knew the whole truth about the group, rather than what was selectively spoon fed to you by their spin doctors.

    Have they described to you how they attempt to destroy individuals and families who no longer wish to be in their group?

    Love and light


  • Grace

    In looking at their website once again (, the small print at the bottom says it is a federally funded program. Should this not concern us?

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