We laughed and we cried.....she is leaving Friday.

by LyinEyes 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Soledad

    awwwwww this is so sweet!

    Dede I would die to have a sister like you! I have 4 sisters and if only one of them were even nearly as good a sister as you are my life would be so different

    wanderlustguy I am so happy for you!

    this sure made my day

  • Sunspot


    What a wonderful sister you are!! Ever since I've come to 'know" you on this board, you have always come through as very caring and sincere. You have just doubled that. Everyone should have a sis like you.

    I'm sure that "Gin" is every bit as special as you are, or she wouldn't have what's going on in her life now either. For such sad beginnings and heaps of heartbreak the three of you (Donnie too) have certainly been able to rise above them and find your personal happiness. We don't experience ones like these very often, and I am so glad for you all.

    This is the first post I've read this morning and what a whopper! I've already had to go find the Kleenex, but the tears were happy ones. The three of you are so precious to each other and to us here. Thanks so much for sharing your stories with us.



  • LyinEyes

    (((((((Rabbit, Happydad, Sunspot))))) Thanks for the kind words and well wishes. The day is getting closer and we are spending as much time as possible together. It is just hard watching her pack her things into her car, but I know that she is off for the greatest adventure of her life and it is well overdue for her.

    My hubby's neice, I consider her my daughter because I helped raised her, is living with me now . I don't know how long, she is 19 and you know young ones come and go sometimes, but I told her she CAN NOT leave me anytime soon, because that would break my heart even more..........she said she will stay and hugged me,,,,,,,lol.

    I guess all of my life , even as a girl at home, I always had someone to take care of, I was always a little mother hen. This house will be a little more empty without my sis and her daughter, but I still have a house full ........for now. I have to learn to let go when the time is right,,,,, I have four more that I know one day will hit the road for their dreams as well.

    Hugs to you all, you all mean so much to me..........Dede

  • Es

    Thanks for a lovely story es

  • LyinEyes

    I just watched her drive away,,,I watched and waved , and cried as she honked her car out of sight.....that has been a family tradition for 2 generations.

    We exchanged some special items to each other and I tried my best to write a letter that wouldnt make her cry, I cried the whole time writing most of it. Of course , we cried over that...lol, and laughed and said we weren't going to cry.

    In a few hours she will be with Donnie, and she will not be alone anymore , and I will be so glad when she meets up with him. I miss Denny even more now , because he is not home. I held my children a little closer and tighter last night, and they will be a comfort to me now, as well as her daughter who is still with me another 2 weeks .

    I have to remember to be positive but my heart feels a little cracked , losing so many loved ones due to death, distance , or the cult makes it hard to say goodbye , even if it is temporary.

    *sigh* Well the hard part is over now........thanks for listening , Dede

  • RichieRich

    Don't worry! Once she gets settled, I told Donnie I wanted to meet them both for dinner. Ill tell you how shes doing, and then when YOU come to visit (if you don't mind) we could all go to dinner! Don't worry, she'll be fine here in NC. (Even though its raining everyday this week!!)

  • LyinEyes

    You are gonna love her Richie, she loves life and with Donnie she is going to be so happy. Of course when I come to visit we can all hook up and have a mini apostafest, I would love that.

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