We laughed and we cried.....she is leaving Friday.

by LyinEyes 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    Yeah , my sister and I laughed and cried all day yesterday, because Friday she is leaving my home and moving hundreds of miles away.

    I am sure you have read Wanderlust's love story thread, the love of his life he speaks of is my sister Ginger. She is three years younger than me but for most of my life I was more of a mother to her than our mother was.

    It hurts to think that she physically will not be here. But I am so glad that she has found love and happiness with Donnie , again. She is excited about the move , but we are sad that we have to say goodbye, even thou we know that it will not by any means be the last time we see each other.

    Growing up , Ginger and were everything to each other. We comforted each other as children thru thunderstorms, we held each other when Mama was sick, we told each other secrets that we could never have told anyone. When things were bad at home, we stuck together the best we could. I would always take my whipping first , hoping that Daddy would not hit her so hard when it was her turn. I loved her so much I tried that I would try so hard to protect her from his anger.

    When we were teens we learned to quit telling on each other, because it only got us more beatings, and we developed a secret sister pinky swear, lol........and to this day we still use that when we mean that know one eles will know what we are talking about.

    As we grew up to be women with our own families, we shared that too, always missing Mama, always keeping her alive by talking about her, because our Dad would never speak of her. We held each other and cried when we realized that our Dad didnt want us , and that was hard, but again ...........we still had each other.

    She is divorced from the man who caused her so much pain, and for the 5 years she was married , I hated how miserable she was. He wouldnt let her be her , he wanted to control her. He would even tell her , when she and I were laughing, " to tone it down". I hated that.

    I know he was jealous of our closeness and he knew how much she loved me, even more than she loved him.

    But Ginger deserves to have a man she can love totally and more than anyone in the world, someone to be her all . Over the years we have been working on me not being a substitute Mom, but a sister to her as it should be . I think with Donnie , she will find that she can truly be happy with a man and still have her sister.

    Thank Gosh for free talk time on cell phones , internet and planes. We will be seeing each other as much as possible once she is settled, and we will always have plenty to talk about and laugh about, sometimes cry about. I know Donnie, you are going to be so good for Amber, ( Ginger's daughter), because she really needs a father figure, Chris didn't treat her right at all. She needs to be told by a father figure how wonderful she is. I am gonnna miss the hell out of her, and so are my kids.

    It is just going to be hard to watch Ginger drive away. She said she felt that way the day I got married and left our childhood home, it was hard to see me go. I can only compare this feeling to what I expect to feel when my oldest Jake moves away from home to go to college soon. It like you want them to go, start their lives, but you are gonna miss them , walking into their empty room, with all their things , but they are not . But like Jake knows, I want Ginger to know,,,,,,,,,,,you can always come back home,,,,,,,always..........( oh yeah the tears are all over the place right now.........gesshh ....lol).

    So , last night , my son, my neice ( like a daughter to me) and Ginger went to the little pub, had some beers, played some of our favorite songs and laughed and cried, and then laughed at ourselves for crying.

    I know Donnie is going to take good care of my sister,and her in all ways, he is a great guy. I have always loved him like a brother, as we were all raised in the same area, know the same people and places, and he had a hell of a childhood too.

    So Ginger, I am gonna miss you soooooooo much,,,,,,,and we both know this is not goodbye for long, I am trying to be positive when I go to crying and think of all the road trips to come. Remember Mama's song,,,,,,,," I will always love you"...." I wish joy and happiness, but above all of this , I wish you love........... I love you, I will always love you".

    Ok, enough crying, maybe we should put on some old funky 70's and 80's music and dance our hinds off tonite.

    Love you little Sister , and love you future bro in law,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,love always , Dede

  • arrowstar


    Much joy and happiness to Donnie and Ginger.


  • BrendaCloutier

    ((((( Dede ))))))

    There are never new beginnings without endings. That doesn't mean your sister will love and hold you any less. Just farther away. It's such a beautiful love story, too.

    Love and Hugs to you both.

  • wanderlustguy

    Isn't it strange how things come full circle? You know one thing you'll never have to worry about is being able to keep in touch with us! We'll be back to harrass you guys before you know it. You know I'm happy as long as she is happy, so she'll always have a way to come see you, or for you to come to wherever we are. I'll never tell you two to settle down, even hearing you guys cutting up together over the phone is music to me. People like you and her aren't supposed to be hushed, anybody that can't realize that is way to shallow to appreciate real beauty in people.

    There's so much to say, I feel like I'm getting my life back in larger and larger pieces these days, and I know the reunion with you and Denny is way overdue for me. On one hand I have so much hate in me for what was taken from us all, but then on the other, there is this great future in front of us...literally whatever we make of it.

    No one and nothing can ever take away what you are to Gin, and now what you are to us. You helped give us back something we both thought was lost forever.

    Love always,


  • BrendaCloutier

    Sniff! Snuffle.

  • calamityjane

    Geez guys, knock it off, your making me cry.

    Kidding aside, this is such a wonderful reunion for all of you. Here's to the rest of your future.


  • TheListener

    This is really nice. You guys made my day.

  • LyinEyes

    I am glad you are able to share your happiness with everyone here on the board, Donnie. I think it helps others to see that there is life after all the pain we all have went thru. There is always hope of reconciliation with lost friends , family and even past loves. Sometimes things like this makes you believe that there can and will be wonderful things in the future. For me and Gin, we still have the issue with our Dad, and hope that before we pass on to the other side, that we three can make some kind of peace. He did reach out and Ginger saw him, but really he was just trying to get her to go back. I never returned his call, but I am thinking of things I want to write to him one day. I just am not ready to open that can of worms........lol. But ya never know,,,,,,,,,things have a way of happening that shock us , wouldn't it be mind blowing if he came on this site and left the borg as well? Ya just never can tell, doubt it, but I always try to have my mind open for hope.

    Donnie, I know you are going to be good to Gin, and good for her and you know we will be making road trips and plane trips to see ya'll as well.

    Hugs, and talk to ya later, Dede

  • Rabbit

    Ahhhh...success stories ! Ah love 'em. Congrats to all of you !


  • HappyDad


    HappyDad (with wet eyes)

    I love happy story's.

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