Notice what the society Admits

by skyman 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • steve2
    I come here to present a balancing view for those that are not sure what to do. Many of the things I read here are so full of rubish it is not funny. The tragedy is that it is mostlt presented in a belivable manner.

    So, JW Ben, you know better than the "faithful and discreet slave" do you? You are fundamentally dishonest in your approach primarily because you do this "work" behind the backs of your JW brothers and sisters.

    Can you not see a basic compelling point: The truth should be able to withstand scrutiny. Period.

    The fact that you feel compelled to go behind the back of the Watchtower Society to defend it is pretty good proof that the way of life promulgated by your religion "inspires" dishonesty. How can you, in good conscience, look your brothers and sisters in the eye, knowing that you have taken it upon yourself to go to sites that the Watchtower Society denounces so very throroughly . Or do you know something the Society doesn't?

  • Scully
    Notice those under the Law were held by God to a higher standard regards blood.

    I find it incredible that the WTS insists on holding JWs to this so-called "higher standard" with respect to the blood issue, yet they don't seem to give a rat's ass about holding them to a "higher standard" where child molestation is concerned.

  • steve2

    JW Ben has so often said that posters put out misinfromation on this site, so I'd be interested in his views on the Watchtower's scandolous protection of pedophiles.

  • Kenneson

    JWBen states: "No one here seems to be able to look above the human factor, the Bible is full of accounts of men with God's favor doing horrible things..."

    Now, if only Jehovah's Witnesses could make the same allowances for members of the other churches!

  • steve2
    No one here seems to be able to look above the human factor, the Bible is full of accounts of men with God's favor doing horrible things..."

    Good point, JW Ben.... However, the Bible is equally "full of accounts" of God sending prophets to his own people warning them about their wickedness and prophesying about the consequences. How come the Watchtower is above this and much too proud to listen?

    "Wait on Jehovah," indeed! Imagine if God's people had said to Ezekiel (before disfellowshipping him) "You should learn to wait on Jehovah".

    Maybe, though, there is hope. If JW Ben can conveniently "bend" the Watchtower rules in his own head, and "sleep with apostates" in an attempt to try to help others get "the truth", he can also bend the rules just a little bit further and become a welcome corrective source inside the congregations. Remember what the scripture says about men who stand by and do nothing while evil is going on?


  • Quotes

    JW Ben said:

    Many of the things I read [...] are so full of rubish it is not funny. The tragedy is that it is mostlt presented in a belivable manner.

    If you are talking about WTS publications, then I agree with you 100%... except for the "believable manner" part; I don't think WTS stuff is at all believable.

    ~Quotes of the "Hey, why is JW Ben allowed to break the rules and associate with former JWs???" class

  • rambaldi

    Except that the law stating to abstain from blood traces back to Noah's time, thus it

    is included in the Christian commandments such as abstaining from idolatry and such.

  • DannyBloem

    Then Ram (jw ben),

    why do jw's do not abstain from blood fully. Some things are allowed some not. Were in the bible can you find how to draw the line as they do?

  • hamsterbait

    Christ says

    "You will be Witnesses of ME"

    The GB alone called themselves JWs at first. Since they say they are God's NAME people they are either admitting that Jehovah and Jesus are both God, or they are exposing themselves as not being witnesses of Jesus which is what the Lord said we should be. Disobedience in this shows who you really serve.

    I shudder. At least if the Witlesses are right the worst any of us have to worry about is a very long deep sleep.

    If they are wrong, alot of unhappy GBers will be roasting alive along with you JW Ben (You don't want to be a witness of Jesus as he commanded do you?)


  • rambaldi

    These blood fractions are no longer blood.

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