Bonde Jokes Anyone?

by hillbilly 38 Replies latest social humour

  • whyamihere
    There are blondes, and there are blonde wannabe's.......

    Very true...Although, I know I should have been born a real blonde!

    example: One of my old bosses, came to me laughing one time shaking his head,...and said "If I were to give you Blonde hair dye, would you dye your hair? I looked at him puzzled, and said "Well yeah"! He then laughed really hard. I didn't get it at the time. I had to have someone explain it to me.

    So, case in point some Brunettes should have been born blondes!


  • BrendaCloutier

    LOL Brooke! And some blonds should have been born brunettes.....

  • BrendaCloutier

    A blonde goes to the doctor and tells the doc that she hurts all over.

    The doctor says to show him.

    She touches her knee and says "ouch!".

    The touches her elbow and says "ouch!". And so on.

    "So, what do you think is the matter, doctor?"

    "You have a broken finger."

  • bonnzo

    three blondes are hiking the woods when they come across a set of tracks. the first says "these are deer tracks", the second blonde says "these are fox tracks", the third blonde says"no, these are bear tracks". they are still arguing when the train hits them

  • FlyingHighNow

    What's black and blue and laying in a ditch?

    A brunette that's told too many blonde jokes.

    This is the best one I've heard yet.

  • talesin

    For FHN,

    What do you call a brunette in a room full of blondes?

    ,,,, Jealous.


  • FlyingHighNow
    For FHN,

    What do you call a brunette in a room full of blondes?

    ,,,, Jealous.


    Thanks. That's a good one, too.

    Blonde jokes don't offend me, some of them are brilliant. When I was a kid, we all used to tell Little Moron jokes.

    I started out blonde. All six of the siblings in our family were varying shades of blonde with green or hazel green eyes. My sis had strawberry blonde hair. Now my hair has darkened to a lovely shade of medium, honey brown (with a few silvers.) I have had the best of both worlds.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    How do you know when a blonde's been using the computer?

    There's white-out on the screen.

  • sir82

    A blonde is watching the TV news, and sees a report about a kidnapping of a small child, and the large ransom that was paid.

    "Hmm, I could do that, get a little extra money" she thinks to herself.

    So she goes down to the playground, looking for a kid withoout his parents around.

    She sees one, and calls him over. She proceeds to write a ransom note, "Put $5000 in small bills in a brown paper bag, and leave it at the playground tomorrow at noon, or you'll never see your son again...signed, A Blonde."

    She then pins the note on the kid & says "Now go home and show this note to your mom." And off he goes.

    So the next day, the blonde returns to the playground at noon. Sure enough, there is a brown paper bag there.

    She goes to open the bag, and it is filled with 10's and 20's. But on top of the money, is a note.

    The note reads, "How could you do this to a fellow blonde???"

  • Elsewhere

    "The walls at the mall are like totally totally tall" -- Ancient Blond Proverb

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