Bonde Jokes Anyone?

by hillbilly 38 Replies latest social humour

  • BrendaCloutier

    What do you call a redhead between a blonde and a brunette??

    A translator.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    A man discovers that his aged, extremely wealthy father only has about a month to live. He goes out to a nightclub, and approaches the most beautiful woman in there, a young blonde.

    "Would you like to come home with me?" he asks, continuing "Before you decide, let me tell you that in about a month I will inherit $5million." The blonde smiles and goes home with him, and two weeks later she becomes his step-mom.

  • tijkmo

    did you hear about the blonde who didnt like shopping online

    because she couldnt find the restrooms

  • BrendaCloutier

    A beautiful blonde sits next to a handsome man in a bar, and after he buys her a couple of drinks, she says in a seductive voice "I'll do ANYTHING you can name in three words for $200".

    The man thinks about it for a few minutes, then pulls $200 out of his wallet and laying it on the bar says "Paint - My - House".

  • tijkmo

    a guy is sitting at the bar and turns to the guy next to him...did you hear about the blonde....when he feels a tap on his shoulder..and he turns round and sees a 6ft blonde girl who tells the local kickboxing champion and over there is my older blonde sister and she is the local boxing champion and next to her is my younger blonde sister who is the local judo do you still want to tell your blonde joke

    no way..said the guy..i really cant be bothered explaining it 3 times

  • hillbilly

    Gil... spelling and me, for the record ... I write on a semi-pro basis. I was knee-deep into a English minor at college years ago. I can spell and know the rules of English grammar. However, as this board is a social excercise for me.. I refuse to worry to much about spelling and trival things like that. If you can undertstand what I say here...well buddy- JOB WELL DONE!

    Call it red-neck "u-bon-iks"


  • BrendaCloutier

    Yup. Hill's a well edefied blonde.

  • tijkmo

    a research organization decide to have an investigation into how true it is about blondes being intellectually they announce for as many blondes as possible to gather at a local stadium to undergo some tests

    on the day the stadium is full and the researcher pulls one girl from the crowd and they go to the centre of the field where a microphone is set up for all to hear

    1st test simple arithmetic....what is 8+4....11 says the says the researcher..its 12

    give her another chance shouts the crowd

    ok whats sorry its 9

    give her another chance shouts the crowd

    ok last chance says the researcher ...very simple...whats 2+2....4 says the girl

    give her another chance shouts the crowd

    funny thing was i was telling this joke at the dinner table of my blonde sister and her family when after the first part..whats 8+4.. her 7 year old boy said it isnt blonde sister told him to be quiet was 11...and my other sister said hes right it isnt 11 its 10...but thats because shes dyed blonde

  • The Chuckler
    The Chuckler

    What's the difference between a blonde and a shopping cart?

    The shopping cart has a mind of it's own.

    She drops her chips.

  • BrendaCloutier

    There are blondes, and there are blonde wannabe's.......

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