a sad moment..

by fairchild 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • fairchild

    May 31st, 2005. Today is a sad day.

    Some of you may know that I pretty much breathe poetry, it is my passion. I have a small poetic community on the ez board network. Apparently someone attacked ez board and wiped out much of their data. When I logged on to my forum to check it and comment to some poems, I noticed that my entire forum had been wiped out. On the positive side, I am not alone. many ez board communities have been affected. I'm so sad..


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    That's so sad. I too am having problems ever since I downloaded Smiley Central..I must have picked up a bug somewhere.

    I keep getting a microsoft error and it closes the site I am on. I can't figure out how to get rid of Smiley Central..I have tried programs..but can't find it. They even put captions (4) in my toolbar and I can't figure out how to get rid of them and the program.

    Snoozy..who wishes she knew more about computers!

    ps..can they repost some of the poems?

  • bikerchic

    Man that sucks fairchild! Maybe the site had it all backed up and will get all the data back up and running soon? I hope so. If not lesson learned, back up your database!

    Snoozy I also had a problem with Smiley Central and had to remove it all from my computer. Now I won't even download anything from them ever! We have Norton and a GoBack program with it it was simple to use the GoBack thingy and it removed all the Smiley Central stuff from my computer I highly recomend it, it's saved me many times as I never learn and am always downloading crap from the Internet...... You might want to check it out.

  • fairchild

    Golden girl,

    type in your search box "netsky". This is a worm or something. when you do some searching on that, you will definitely stumble upon "stinger", keep that one in mind. Stinger is a FREE virus scan. it is not a complete scan, but it is capable of picking up many different viruses. if you can't find it, let me know, and I'll see if I can find it for you.


    They sent me an update, saying that they will be able to restore some of the data, but not all of it. This means that some sites will get their data back and some will not. let's hope I'm among the winners... I've put a lot of time in my site, and had created a research center where people could learn about poetic forms. I'm pretty sure that everyone who posts at my site has their own stuff backed up though. But yes, leson learned.. sigh.

  • GetBusyLiving

    (((fairchild))) I'm so sorry that happened to you. That would destroy me.


  • bebu


    That is so sad! Your site was very nice, too.

    I hope you will be one of the 'winners'... Let us know!


  • fairchild

    GBL, I was going to copy my poetic library last night, because some of the finished poems that are going in my book were in there, but it got to be late and I decided to do it tonight.. too late now. I have the original versions in my documents, but not the revised versions. I e-mailed the publisher last night with a "sample" which is for the web page of my book. The sample is my longest poem (a crown of sonnets, 98 lines), at least I got THAT one copied.

    I went to the ez board administrator's site to see how many people are having problems. The site is flooded with very angry posts right now. Some people have spent many years to build up their site, and some sites are (were) a lot bigger than mine. It is sad indeed, and from now on I am backing up everything. Why on earth would someone want to attack a whole network? What are people thinking? That is really very mean. is this person sitting back right now, reading the angry and sad posts by the administrators?

  • fairchild

    Thanks Bebu, you are very kind. I'm still a bit in shock right now. Should be in bed, but I don't think there is going to be much sleep for me tonight.

  • LyinEyes

    Awwww Fairchild I am sorry that happened. I know how important the written thoughts , feelings and words can mean to someone.

    When I was 15 my Elder dad found my stash of poems , and threw a fit. He said they were too dark,,,,they might bring demons into our home and he made me stand in front of our fireplace and burn them all. I wish so badly that I had them today. He made me feel so shamed for writing my feelings, and it took years for me to ever write again. To me it has always been so theraputic and I can't ever imagine doing that to my childrens writings.

    These were not suicidal poems, but mainly they were painful words about my home life, things dealing with my Mother most of all . Looking back now , I might not have wrote such dark, sad poems if my parents would not have been so wrapped up in themselves . But of course I got the blame and was even made to believe I was wrong for it.

  • fairchild

    That is so sad, lyineyes. Writing can be very therapeutic indeed. Who knows, once my forum is back up an running, perhaps you can become a part of our tille poetic community if you like. You will be among people who appreciate poetry. Keep writing!

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