Why The Watchtower Wants Your Children ( 6/15 WT)

by metatron 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • metatron

    The most recent Watchtower contains study articles that address the growing alarm

    of the Governing Body that the organization may be losing the next generation of Jehovah's

    Witnesses. You may have noticed a number of articles and books, intensifying in recent

    years that are motivated by the same fear: Witness families and kids are drifting away.

    The question then arises, why do the leaders of the Watchtower Society care? What

    makes them so motivated to address this downward trend?

    If you think they are motivated by a sincere spirituality, a concern for their flock's faith,

    wouldn't you expect to see some evidence of these 'higher motivations' in their magazines?

    The June 15 Watchtower contains a study article that directly addresses youth

    ("You young people...") Does it emphasize spiritual dangers common to youth such as

    internet porn, chat room dating, drug use, alcohol abuse, smoking , or fornication?


    Does it emphasize the development of personal spiritual values needed for Christian

    identity like faith in Jesus Christ or acts of charity ?


    Does it praise the development of a whole, balanced personality, perhaps together

    with useful talents to be mastered in music, sports or education?


    Instead the article - "Young People, Praise Jehovah" - places unremitting stress on

    the "preaching work" - with only the most superficial regard for anything else wholesome

    or balanced in the development of a young person's life. Don't worry about Witness kids

    however, they'll see thru this breezy "Johnny One Note" obsession with peddling

    Watchtowerism door to door in an instant. The worst they will suffer is a bit of head

    nodding when their deluded parents demand "Now, you want to please Jehovah and praise

    him, don't you ?!!!"

    The real evil, the real sickness is not what this article will do to Witness families

    ( nothing, except bore them) but rather what its monomania about "preaching" tells us

    about the Society. Their stripped down reductionism of their own religion speaks

    loud and clear!

    They want your children. They want more unpaid magazine peddlers. If push comes

    to shove on the other stuff ( you know .... love, joy, peace, kindness, faith, good morals,

    whatever), "preaching" gets the emphasis.

    This is utter selfishness - the work of old men who cling to their dying dreams and

    demand that youth will comply. While it lacks the deadly outcome, I am reminded

    of newsreels of a smiling Hitler reviewing lines of boys charged with defending Berlin.

    Yet, it is the same monomania, the same reduced image of what people ought to be,

    that drives fanatics to want your children.


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Soon there will probably even be articles showing 'New Light " on birth control...

    New law..Using Birth Control is against God's word! May be a disfellowshipping offense!

    That'll work....

    Can't you just see it now...Bro and Sis so and so are on probation for using Birth Control...


  • DannyHaszard

    Bold thread metatron.

    Who else wants your Children?

    The demons ! I am convinced that the demons who crave anything carnal are behind the Watchtower's family wrecking protocol.

    The demons lost their "family's" in the flood and they have been trying to get back at humanity ever since.

    I have had FOUR GENERATIONS of my family ripped away from me by the Watchtower,who else is so bent on family destruction except the demonic Watchtower?

  • ozziepost
    I am reminded of newsreels of a smiling Hitler reviewing lines of boys charged with defending Berlin.

    Yet, it is the same monomania, the same reduced image of what people ought to be,

    that drives fanatics to want your children.


    As always, you've given us much to think about, many thanks.

    Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside down class)

  • DanTheMan

    Their stripped down reductionism of their own religion speaks

    loud and clear!

    This is utter selfishness - the work of old men who cling to their dying dreams and

    demand that youth will comply

    Well said, as always.

  • DaCheech

    I will NEVER push my children into this, and will have to "wash" every word from the Watchtowers to not swallow them

  • LyinEyes

    That is why so many are drifting away, especially young people, because the WT doesn't deal in the reality of today's world. All the pressures and the changing times.

    I know they say that Bible standards are as good as they were when they were written, but this is just not the case. The world is a different place than it was even when I was growing up JW.

    My son was 14 when we got out of the borg. I am sure it saved his life, us getting out, because he became depressed and withdrawn. He became a new person when we left and I swear even if I thought it was the truth, I couldn't , wouldn't want my kids growing up that way.

  • wiegel

    met - wow! thank you for the post, i can't get the mags anymore. very, very interesting take on why they are pushing "service" on the kids and what it shows about them - how stupid do they think people are? i mean maybe this is a "stupid test" - only the winners get to stay ~

  • Eric

    When have they EVER had anything useful for the younger people, aside from more service?

    For squirming toddlers enduring Brother Monotone's Sunday Public Address: What's in it for them? Aside from a good spanking if they get too fidgety.

    For elementary school level children, learning to read: What's it it for them? A book about Jesus that is never studied, never taken seriously, never a part of the BIG program.

    For Junior High students, the only way to fit in before baptism is to repeat by rote what you've heard since you were a squirming toddler, but now you can do it on the platform, and from door to door.

    The message is blindingly numbing, repeated over and over from the time you stopped wetting your diapers untill you start to think for yourself.

    As a result, the bright leave the JW's, the dullest of the dull stay.

    And all they have to offer the dull:

    Stop what you're doing and serve full-time.

    They deserve what they're getting, on both sides.


  • Ténébreux
    You may have noticed a number of articles and books, intensifying in recent

    years that are motivated by the same fear: Witness families and kids are drifting away.

    The question then arises, why do the leaders of the Watchtower Society care? What

    makes them so motivated to address this downward trend?

    It's a simple rule of business that it's far more cost effective to retain an existing customer than it is to attract a new one.

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