If two elders showed up at your front door

by unbeliever 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pistoff


    Haha, I got ya blondie......let's see:
    NH........not home, too easy
    CA......easy, call again
    B........busy, CA
    C.......child, CA
    HBH.......the wonderful, unofficial:

    HOME BUT HIDING!!!!!!!!!

  • nicolaou
    If two elders showed up at your front door and asked do you accept the faithful and distreet slave as jehovahs channel on earth (or something similar to that) what would you say/do?

    I'd step right into their faces, stare them right in the eyes and say "We all know what this is about, try it and you'll regret it. I'll make your lives a misery for years. You will have your very first enemy, now do the wise thing, turn around, leave and never, ever bother me or my family again."

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Scully..your answer was hilarious!...

    I'm still laughing!..


    I'm still laughing..

    ps...I'm still laughing!

  • LouBelle

    Oh my Word Scully - I actually know a Brother Bob tooo *scream* He's on my committee case. This is so funny!

  • blondie

    I know a Brother Boob too.

  • RevFrank

    I'd invite them in and explaine to them the salvation of Isreal in Romans 10. Now we know that Paul(Saul) was a jew and an Isrealite and he knows of his salvation.

  • jaffacake
    I'd invite them in and explaine to them the salvation of Isreal in Romans 10. Now we know that Paul(Saul) was a jew and an Isrealite and he knows of his salvation.

    Rev I'm a non-JW, could you just expand slightly on the significance?

  • 144001

    I'd take another hit off the pipe and laugh my head off. Then I'd shut the door.

  • love2Bworldly

    I think I would copy Why Georgia's example:

    Then topped it off with " Are you F*CKING STUPID we've never been to the Kingdom Hall in ______________ - we don't want anything to do with you people. Leave us alone! Then I got right in his face and told him if he ever came back that I would kick his fat A** and let my dog eat his balls.

    Sorry Why Georgia--but I'm still LMAO at your story. LOL I can't help myself, I wish I could have seen their faces.

  • mkr32208

    That was priceless scully! I love the just pretend you don't know what the hell they are talking about ploy! If they say "you used to come to the hall," reply "nope wasnt' me must have been the evil twin, he/she's a dangerous dopleganger! I don't have a clue who you are!"

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