Whats the spookiest thing that has happened to you?

by diamondblue1974 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sunspot

    When I was just a little kid, I had an invisible friend I used to talk to. One day my Mother asked me about her---what she looked like,etc. Later on when I was much older, she told me about this. I had described my great-grandmother who had been dead a number of years that I had never seen. I described her hair, how she wore it, a rocking chair (which she all but lived in the last few years of her life) and a purple shawl that she always wore.

    One apartment that hubby and me lived in, our record player would turn on and off by itself---even when we unplugged it. We saw a white "form" in our bedroom one night---just sauntering acroos the room. We both saw it.

    In that same apartment, Hubby was out in the yard playing baseball with the kids (only a few yards from where I was standing in the kitchen) and I was setting the table for dinner. I had just finished and didn't a fork just up and do a somersalt and flip onto the floor! I just stood there with my eyes popping out and my jaw hanging open! We moved a couple of months later. Same record player---same forks---no odd activity. Never saw the "form" again either!


  • delilah

    OK, i guess I'll share my story then.....one night, we had non-Jw friends over for dinner. Afterwards, my husband and his buddy were in the front hallway, with our two boys, playing air hockey. We had a telephone, sitting on a small stand, and no-body was even close to it. All of a sudden, the receiver was picked up in the air, and slammed down on the floor. My husband's friend jumped up and yelled to his wife, get the baby, we are outta here! What the hell was that???? he was scared to death...another time, i heard my husband call my name twice, when I was getting ready for bed. The 2nd time I turned towards the voice, and he wasn't there...I had just taken him to work.....i jumped into bed and pulled the covers over my head....We hear footsteps all the time in our old house, and the dog goes crazy with the phones , she ripped out all three of them one time....sometimes, things go missing, and then suddenly reappear later on....it's weird....but we've grown used to it.

  • whyamihere


    I know what you are talking about. My mother has a Co-worker who goes through the same thing. Just tell them to knock it off! Say it out loud and Mean it! They do stop. If you are missing something just ask them to put it back because you need it. I know it worked for her!


  • TheOldHippie

    It's perhaps not the spookiest thing, because members of my family, both this generation and the past, have experienced stranger things, butthis is the one I remember the best right now (I have posted it before, but repeat it),

    I had an experience a couple of years ago, one late evening, I had shared a bottle of white wine with my wife (I know that "tunes down" the whole thing, but man! half a bottle of wine produces nothing like that ....), she went upstairs to go to bed, it was 10:45 at night, and I let the dog out in the garden for her usual you-know-what. 30 metres away is a small road, there are houses around, and 30 metres down to my left another small road departs in a 90 degrees angle from the one passing my house.
    I had been out 10 seconds, when suddenly VERY loud noices were all around, in the air sort of, but very close to the ground, like - please don't laugh - Santa Claus with his sleigh came down the road, like sleigh bells, but much louder and more distinct, roaring. After some seconds, I managed to make out the direction, and the sound came down the road, from my right towards the left, in a way following the road but in the air above it yet very close to the ground, and it took a fraction of a second to pass in front of my garden. Like "Santa's sleigh" making 200 miles per hour down the small road, whizzing past my garden, and then it made the sharp 90 degrees turn to the left and disappeared down the other road to the left. I looked for my dog, and she had sought refuge under some bushes in front of/underneath my porch and refused to reappear. I had to walk down and half-way drag her out of the bushes, she hastily did what she always does at night and ran indoors and hid under a couch. As she so did, the sound reappeared from my left, from this other road, and obviously this "thing" came back the way it had left. As the sound became very loud again, and became an all-consuming roar again, I followed the dog ........ The second I closed the door, it was totally quiet inside, although one can hear the bass from car CD players if they play loud enough on the road, and of course the sound of cars - but now it was dead silent outside.
    I sat up in bed half the night, talking with my wife, I had the window opened to hear if any more sounds came, she had heard nothing, and our / my guesses ranged from demons thru angels to the "little people" living the Earth together with us, albait invisible .......
    Now what was this? Loud, pointed sleigh-bells sort of, passing with incredible speed and invisibly, making sharp turnes and then reappearing?
    No cheap wine, no flashbacks from earlier "happy" days, no special mood - just plain .... I don't know.

  • Leolaia

    Susan Smith. The gal who drowned her kids in a locked car. For a while, she claimed they were abducted. We all believed her. I was listening to Art Bell during that week. This one caller said she fell asleep and had a dream about Susan Smith and her kids. She said she saw them locked in a car at the bottom of a lake. I thought, I'll make a mental note of that. Then a few days pass. I hear on breaking news that the police have just discovered the kids in a car at the bottom of a lake. I immediately thought, I ALREADY KNEW THAT. Then I realized why I thought I already had that knowledge. Neat coincidence.

  • LouBelle

    last night I could feel tickling on my back - up and down, side to side...was kinda freaky (images from that movie FALLEN came to mind - a demon was scratching me) So I sat up, yank of my T-Shirt & and aaah this is so gross a little cockoroached plopped out - I nearly died!!! That was spooky. I'd rather have demon *shiver* ugh!!!!!!!!!!! I feel ill.

  • Mecurious?

    This is a most interesting thread. Sad to say I don't have time to comment right now.


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    My parents refused to come to a family reunion where my brother and I would be attending because we are disfellowhipped and shunned by my parents (just them, not the rest of the family)

    Anyway, all of the relatives including ones from out of state were going to be there, so my mom was going to hire a photographer to take everyone's picture even though my parents wouldn't be there. My parents decided they would go up a week later and have the same photographer take their picture and then have themselves superimposed with us like we had all been together.

    That was pretty creepy.

    They couldn't be near us, but they could fake like they had been near us? Weird.

  • diamondblue1974
    True....However, does it feel like a 200 pound person on you and the sound of someone breathing heavily

    Freaky....your not the only one to have had this experience... you have a PM on its way.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    i used to get these night terrors too. as i was falling asleep, i would get this sense of foreboding evil in the room. when i tried to move i realized that i was totally paralyzed and that something was smothering me or choking me. i would try to scream for help, but i couldn't. the scream would well up in me, and finally i would break free and go flailing off the bed screaming at the top of my lungs: "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" of course my family would come running into the room.

    even as a witness, i never once thought it was the demons, but always knew it was neurological or psychological in nature. even as a mind control victim the rule of parsimony applied, even though i didn't know i was using it. one assumption: medical.

    since recently obtaining a purely natural worldview, i decided to go on a haunted house adventure, where a group of people get together with a guide, and go to a real "haunted" house. just the work up to the event was exciting. the guide really had a way with psychology. i was open to whatever, but highly skeptical. why should i be any way else? if there was truth to the experience, surely i would be able to rationally see that something crazy was going on. i was more there to see the others reactions to the event. sure enough, everyone (including the guide) started getting all freaked out at different sounds and air swooshing around the dimly lit, old house. people who would not have given the instances a second thought in plain daylight at the office or wherever. it got really precious when people started seeing the sames things move around in the shadows. i strained to see what they were talking about, but i guess i didn't have "eyes of faith", as GBL put it the other day. after the event, everyone was changed by the experience. it's just that i was changed in a different way than the rest in the group. there is such a thing as mass delusion, in my opinion. i didn't say anything to them at the time, as a spoiled miracle isn't a very fun one at all. the guide could tell i didn't buy it i am sure. i would be open to more experiences like this, as all it would take for me to believe is something credible.

    i have gone to so-called "spirit mediums" just to have my suspicions confirmed: brilliant people readers.

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