Witnesses and alcoholism

by Grace 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    Doesn't this thread underscore how morally selective the Watchtower is? I have often thought that if the Watchtower were as vigilant in stamping out alcohol excess among men in positions of responsibility as it is in actively searching for and then punishing normal dating practices among the very young (please use your imagination), there'd be only a tiny number of JWs left in good standing, and, more to the point, practically no elders!

    Talk about removing the rod from your own eye before judging the one in your brother's eye.

  • Qcmbr

    So for anyone who used to drink to excess while a JW have you changed your habits since leaving?

  • GetBusyLiving

    :So for anyone who used to drink to excess while a JW have you changed your habits since leaving?

    I have. Most of my friends now only drink when there is something actually going on. Back in the day, drinking was the only thing that was going on.


  • Qcmbr

    I think its interesting that in any repressive system the adherants overcompensate on any permissable vices.

    This is part of the concept of the carnival - the expression of madness and social release and then another year of buckling down to the rules.

    I think mine is being argumentative:)

  • misguided

    Qcmbr, my alcohol consumption was WAY out of control while still "in". Interestingly, after a period of drinking at least a bottle of wine a day, I now find myself feeling more contented in who I am, feel more in control of myself, and find myself avoiding alcohol just for the sake of not wanting to feel drunk. A MAJOR flip-flop for me. I now average a bottle a week.

    Also out of my life now: Prozac, Paxil, other antidepressant medications, as well as Ativan, etc,...go figure!


  • steve2

    I was never much of a consumer of alcohol when I was in the organisation despite being surrounded by JW heavy drinkers, but it's still great being out: Now I've got even less of a reason to drink!

  • Grace

    I only have a moment to respond. Looking at the number of alcohol-related posts that have gone up since I asked the question of alcoholism in relation to JWs, it seems to be extremely widespread. I know alcoholism is in general; however, what I see from my devout JW husband is complete and daily use / abuse of alcohol. When he comes home from field service, he pours himself a drink before doing anything else. This at noon on a Saturday!


  • Sith

    Grace, your husband will never change his drinking habits until he is ready to. Do yourself a huge favor and attend an AlAnon meeting or two. It might do you a world of good.

  • BrendaCloutier

    I concur on Al Anon. And if you don't like your first meeting? Go to 5 more.

  • steve2
    When he comes home from field service, he pours himself a drink before doing anything else. This at noon on a Saturday!

    One of the hallmark signs of problem drinking is the time of day that the individual drinks; namely, the earlier in the day the first drink is consumed, the more problematic the drinking pattern. Noon on a Saturday may be understandable in terms of its being the weekend; but in the context of daily use, it's another sure sign .

    From a different perspective, however, even non-drinkers would probably empathise with the individual needing a drink after being exposed to field service. Mind you, I give your husband credit that he doesn't have a drink before field service. Perhaps there are even more people who could understand having a drink before the dreaded door-knocking duty!

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