Witnesses and alcoholism

by Grace 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Grace

    My JW husband has made me promise to let him die rather than approve a blood transfusion because of bible doctrine; however, the same bible speaks against alcoholism and drunkeness and yet he continues to drink and sometimes gets absolutely smashed.

    Last night we were at a non-JW staff party for my place of employment, and he lost any shred of dignity through his heavy drinking. We got home at 3 a.m. and he jumped out of bed at 8:20 and said, "I have to get to book study; I'm reading today." So, off he went. (It behooves me how he can do this time and again without even taking so much as an asparin!)

    How many of you suffer because of alcoholism within your JW family members?

    Grace to you.

  • stillajwexelder

    Not personally but have DFd somebody for persistent drunkeness a while ago - the poor husband was almost in tears as we told him we had to DF his wife

  • Grace

    When I was still in the organization, I used to tell the elders how much he drank. I wanted and needed their help. I think they ignored me because I am a woman and it is not showing headship to complain about your husband. I don't think they really believed me because, after all, he is NEVER drunk at meetings. I believe they suspect he drinks a lot, but I know they didn't take me seriously when I asked for their help years ago when I was a faithful ministerial servant's wife.


  • Generic Man
    Generic Man

    "Last night we were at a non-JW staff party for my place of employment, and he lost any shred of dignity through his heavy drinking."

    So he is associating with "worldly people" and getting wasted. In spite of this, he insists on obeying the most arbitrary and dangerous doctrines the WTBS has to offer.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Grace / Generic Man - in my PERSONAL experience, if one partner attends the meetings and the other one (even though more Conscientious, Christian) doesn't, they will weigh the situation up as to what is more profitable for the Society. Politics.

  • EvilForce

    Both of my grandparents were alcoholics and JW's. They use the alcohol in moderation command from Jesus and justify their behavior. Besides the BOE probably has been out drinking with him anyway. They are loathe to curtail this, since it's about the only pleasurable thing the WTBS allows.

    I posted elsewhere how you could live by all the rules of the JW faith and still not lead a moral life. Sick, Sick, Sick!!!

  • Sith

    I have known for years that I was an alcoholic. I grew up the The Big Lie, and my JW buddies and I partied hard for many years. I drank with JWs during my teens and all through my adult years. I was PRed for it once, and DFed for it another time. Never, in all the years that I struggled with alcohol, did any "brother" or "elder" offer any help or counseling beyond, "Trust in Jehovah", as if I could pray my addiction away. A few years after I was DFed for the 3rd and final time, I went to my first AA meeting. The talk of God and spirituality turned my stomach and I couldn't stay. I continued my life of self-destruction. Almost three years ago, I went back. I was finally ready to accept, once again, a "Higher Power" in my life. I have been sober now for 2 years, 3 months and 10 days.

    Here's the kicker. The Kingdom Hall that I attended for the first 10 years of my JW life was sold a while back. The local AA fellowship bought and remodeled it. It's where I attend most of my meetings. Sometimes as I drive up to the building, I thank my Higher Power that He was able to evict that deadbeat, Joe Hoba.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Very few Witnesses that I knew in my 33 years did *not* drink heavily... Can't say as I blame them. Gotta kill the painful existance of 'Witnesshood' somehow...

    Oh, that and lots and lots of Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Lithium, Valium, Vicodin, Tylenol III, Percodin, Tagamet, Prilosec, Maalox, etc., etc., etc....

  • delilah

    I was always amazed, at how many of the witnesses were heavy drinkers...elders and Ms's especially. I often wondered if it was because of the heavy "workload" of shepherding the congregation, and perhaps family problems. I know my mother had a severe drinking problem, due to problems in the family, and for almost 10 years, it was terrible. She felt guilty, and therefore would not go to meetings very often. It almost destroyed her marriage, and my siblings and I found it hard to visit her. She finally got help through a wonderful program, especially for women, and she has been sober for 2 years now. I am grateful to have mom back, I just wish she'd see the light about the "truth" now.


  • steve2

    Isn't this fairly typical JW behaviour though: Be pretty lukewarm and even hypocrtical in the "truth" and yet mindelessly cling to the more bizarre teachings - as if expecting a special dispensation from the Big Guy in the sky?

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