Jealousy can kill a relationship!!!

by ButtLight 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    Ok, Im pissed! I went to the bar with my bf. He went to go play a game of pool, and I saw someone, (a guy) that i graduated with, so I went to talk to him. I guess I said hey hunny when I went up, but i dont think I did! But who cares!!! So he got pissed, and brought it up to me. I dont think I did anything wrong! This is someone I grew up with! I wasnt flirting, just talkin about old times. And he was too busy playin pool, which was suppose to be partners, me and him, but it wasnt! WTF!

  • IP_SEC

    Ya thats stoopid, I hate that. BL... thatsa bad sign.

    Thats all ima say bout that.

  • talesin

    I'll say it, IP,,,,



  • EvilForce

    Did you talk to him about it? A little jealousy is ok...but too much is not a good thing. Everyone gets jealous from time to time but it's what you do with it that becomes an issue/nonissue.

    How long have you two been dating? Jealousy is a sign of insecurity.

  • kls

    Buttlight i guess it's a two way street because some jealousy is good ,if he never got jealous you would think there was something wrong with you but for the fact that he does get jealous it means he cares for you and wants you for himself. Then there is the jealous that goes way to far and even a wrong look at someone will set the other person off and that is to the extreme.

    There are people that try their hardest to make their partner jealous just so they can see if they still care .

    Your pissed cause you know you didn't do anything wrong and he is pissed cause he thinks you did and i hope you can get it into his head you did nothing wrong.

  • EvilForce

    There are people that try their hardest to make their partner jealous just so they can see if they still care .

    The monkey would never do this would she KLS?????? ;P

    Evil Force of the has a mac and can't use all the cool smiley faces class :(

  • kls
    The monkey would never do this would she KLS?????? ;P

    This monkey gets the evil eye no matter what i do and i just roll my eyes and laugh

  • ButtLight

    geez, if I was flirting, it would be a different story!! But just talking? And I got the third degree. We were suppose to go out to dinner after that, but i lost my appetite! So now I sit here hungry!

  • kls

    Butt , it's your own damn fault for having one bright ass.

  • talesin


    If your description of what happened is accurate, I think he over-reacted 'big time'. Then, he picked a fight with you after you got home. Has he no trust in you at all, and you are living together? I don't call this jealousy ... to me, it's possessiveness.

    possessiveness = lack of trust, insecurity, feelings of entitlement & ownership.

    Top sign of a possible abuser.

    And what do we women hear over and over again? You can't change him. Men are not projects, and we are not fixers. Five years from now, IF he turns out to be a verbal/emotional or physical abuser, your friends will say "well, look how jealous he was, you should have seen the signs". Well, he is already emotionally abusing you.


    *worked in the system* class

    edit, my mistake, I see you didn't say 'living together', but boyfriend ... sorry! Doesn't change my opinion, though.

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