Strange things about Jesus

by Stephen John Gault 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Are you suggesting that "God's Holy Spirit" is different from THE Holy Spirit ?

    Jesus use of the term "the" Holy Spirit was with a people that had marginalised a relationship with the Spirit of God in favour of rules applied for the flesh.

  • Narkissos


    If anyone is interested, I will do hundreds more.

    May I suggest aiming at quality instead of quantity? A number of your examples are factually correct (although they would deserve to be sorted in kind, e.g. contradictions within the NT, between the NT and OT, between the Bible and scientific knowledge, morality, etc.) -- but others are plain wrong.


    How come Jesus never mentioned Adam and Eve, or creation?

    Read Matthew 19:4f and parallels.

    King Herod? The Romans did not have kings!

    Herod received the title of king from the Roman Senate in 40 BC.

    Matt 10:28. Jesus talks about the soul surviving death?
    So what? That's a problem only for JWs.
  • Stephen John Gault
    Stephen John Gault

    Nark - thank you. I love to be corrected - that way I hone my knowledge base. Please point me to where I find that bit on Herod? I did the Google bit. My source says Herod died 4 B.C.

    Correct - I misstated inadvertently. Jesus never mentioned Adam and Eve.

  • Stephen John Gault
    Stephen John Gault

    A paduan. How do you know what Jesus meant - hotline from the GB to Archangel Michael?

    Since you appear knowledeable, why does the NWT translate Gen 1:2 "God's active force" when it tranlates it elsewhere as "spirit of God" etc? Sincere question. I am curious and do not have access to JW publications.

  • Gozz
    Or will kids be taught the deceit of one Jesus, who owned a house (Mark 2:5) but told his followers to sell their possessions and give it to the poor? Matt, 19:21


    from which translation of Mark 2:5 did you read this bit?


  • Stephen John Gault
    Stephen John Gault

    In the OT, it is called everything but THE Holy Spirit, then in the NT it takes on individual identity, makes choices, has intellect, gains equal stature and power, gains a sex "he/his" - 1 Cor 2:11, Matt 28:19, and will 1 Cor 12:11, John 14:26, John 16:13.

    Back on Topic - Jesus.

    He was supposedly with doG (borrowed from Talesin) - in creation. John 1:1. Now when I write a program for robotics, fuzzy logic and artificial intelligence included, but I build in a subroutine that causes the robot, under a particular condition, to go haywire, should I blame the robot? "Bad robot, apologize! Ask forgiveness! Beg for mercy else I make you suffer and eventually wipe you out"?

    Evidence: Gen 1:18. This is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If doG had not already created evil and a concept of evil in man's mind, he may as well have called it the tree of rampersadharibalspoonolalveemakergee and man would have had to ask what on earth (get it?) he was talking about. But man obviously knew, because doG had already programmed the processor.

    So now man, who was created by these doGs (Gen 1:26) is condemned, women to MORE pain in childbirth (wait a minute - I thought paradise was painless. Now I hear, pain was just relative, and besides, why must the animals suffer the same lot?), and the snake will sail on its belly (how else did it perambulate?) and eat dust (never saw one eating dust, have you?).

    So everyone thereafter in conceived and born in sin. I wake up, having to play craps on doG's craps table, but the dice are loaded against me and every time I roll the dice, I end up short. Then I owe doG. If I say no, hey, how about I not play your game anymore, I would just like to check out, doG says "oh no you don't!Then I will never allow you to play anywhere else!"

    So I keep rolling the loaded dice and I keep losing (and in the meantime I have to praise this loaded dice toting doG, because he is very insecure). So he calls over his pitboss, Michael and says: "Somebody had beter pay me over here. This poor crapperr doesn't have what it takes, and damnit, somebody had better pay me!"

    So the two conspire to make it appear as though it was a legitimate game and legitimate debt. But its in not cash this doG wants - he is bloodthirsty, it is BLOOD, it is death he wants, from whomever will pay it. "You Michael, get your butt down there! We will pretend you are just like them. Never mind the unblemished lamb prophesies and magic tricks - (I need some wine) pretend you are one of them. Then we put on a good charade, have guys who have no choice kill you, cause somebody has to do it, cause I said so, but we will just get you right back up here to your cushy job and from here, watch those craps players scramble. Now they will owe you too, because you paid their debt, created by your and my craps table and my loaded dice"

    "In thought you said I was going to die" Michael said.
    "Don't be silly, you'll snooze for a few days, just like on Valium, and be back here before you know it" doG replied.
    "Oh I see, and it will involve pain right, so that those crappers will really feel sorry for me. Never mind that in every hospital in every community on earth there are crappers with equal or greater pain, we will not let them think about that, will we?" "NOoooooooo!" was the reply.

    So now Jesus dies for me and now I owe him. But I never hired him. I paid policemen's salaries and they have died to protect me. (They really died - they could not fake it). Do I now owe them devotion, owe them my life?

    End Chapter 1.

  • Narkissos


    About Herod, first Google hit,


    About Jesus' house, it is Mark 2:1, and the expression is en oikô = "in house" = "at home" -- cf. 3:20; 9:28 eis oikon, "(in)to house". The text is not explicit about who owns the house, but it is at least Jesus' usual "place". Interestingly all the above mentions have been dropped in Matthew and Luke (who depict Jesus as a homeless preacher).

  • Stephen John Gault
    Stephen John Gault

    Thanks Nark

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    A paduan. How do you know what Jesus meant - hotline from the GB to Archangel Michael?

    Read again, I did not write that I knew what Jesus meant.

    be careful about how you hear, for to him who has more will be given


    Since you appear knowledeable, why does the NWT translate Gen 1:2 "God's active force" when it tranlates it elsewhere as "spirit of God" etc? Sincere question. I am curious and do not have access to JW publications.

    I've read virtually all the versions of the bible, but I simply can't read an NWT

  • doofdaddy

    I'm with Stephen

    The gospel accounts are a bit like the biography of a rock star....

    If the person, in this case jesus, did and said all that was written about him, he would have died much earlier!!

    Like any biography, it's a damn good piece of fiction written around a very human being.

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