Why are there four gospels?

by jaffacake 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Trevor:Is it one book?
    Are they not actually 66 individual works, with at least forty authors and many, many more translators?
    Are you really pleading achristian as your authority on said interal consistency?

    When someone presents their diary as the inspired word of God, claims that they are chosen and announces that those who do not accept this startling assertion will be killed - yes I do have a problem.

    You may have to point out where said gospel authors did so.
    The authorship of Revelation is in serious doubt, as are the letters and gospel of John. This was why I suggested that the author may have the same name, but I didn't identify them as having the same author (or are you telling me that you hold a view, in common with the JWs, that it was the same bloke?).

    You may need to point out the duplicity (another reactionary word, in excess of that required) - from my perspective I see none...

  • gumby

    Gumby:What was the aim of the fourth century counsils?
    Was it really to tidy things up, or to preserve the accounts that were held dear to the various groups that they were trying to unite?

    Preserve accounts? Don't you mean cherrypick accounts that fitted their agenda? The church wanted control of WHAT was to be believed....not a unified uniting in christ.

    * sprays more fungicide on his nutsack rash*


  • trevor

    Little toe

    I have read all your comments with interest and enjoyed your input. Your comments to me in your last post were most enlightening. I think we are looking at this thing from two different perspectives. I am aware that some of my observations are influenced by the intrusion of my own agenda.

    Having read other posts by you on other threads including The Free Will - Illusion debate I think we share more in common than it would appear.

  • LittleToe

    And having read quite a number of your posts, over a period, I would concur

    Gumby:So THAT was what they wanted!!!
    Sheesh, and here I was thinking that they wanted world peace and Anusol.

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