Why are there four gospels?

by jaffacake 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Narkissos
    why did early Christians not restrict the canon of scripture to one account, so opposers would have less ammunition? And why would they allow so many inconsistencies to remain in the Bible?

    Because the 4th-century "Catholic (= universal) church" was not a central administration or expert committee, and its canon was the result of a long multi-party negotiation between all the weightiest segments of early Christianity. When one book was revered in a politically important group of churches, it was just impossible to drop it or censor it (except by addition).

  • EvilForce

    They also left out the book of Enoch.

    I get annoyed when people use the 4 points of view reciting an accident and how they saw the events unfold. THIS PROVES it's mans work NOT INSPIRED. So let's take it for what it is a current event of the day dictating how these men thought people should live.

  • trevor


    There could well be four hundred gospels. If Jesus did perform all these miracle and many more that the Bible tells us there is not room to record, It is likely that hundreds of people wrote down what they had seen. They did not have TV or Jehovahs Witness discussion then, so what else would they do in the evening? The ones that have been selected for what we are told is The Bible, are the product of a political take over of religion.

    Despite all the manipulation and editing, as you say, It contains errors, contradictions, and mistaken teaching in some parts, that gets corrected or resolved in some way elsewhere.

    The average cheap old novel has less mistakes and makes more sense, yet I would not use any dated book as a bench mark for how I should live or what I should believe - while fearing eternal damnation if I dare to question the authenticity of the work.

    I think from what I have said you can assume that I am a non believer when it comes to the Bible. That is not say it does not have some good points or moments of spirituality.

  • jaffacake
    THIS PROVES it's mans work NOT INSPIRED

    But I think you are applying the JW understanding of inspiration, or that of conservative, so-called Bible-based Christians. Of course it is the work of men, and it is men's words, not God's. But the Bible itself does not explicitly claim to be the literal word of God. I am only now coming to understand what the Bible teaches about itself. Much of it applies on two, three or more levels, hence the confusion and apparent contradictions.

    I believe Isaac Newton and Einstein were inspired by God too, but not in the same way as scriptures.

  • LittleToe

    Oh for godsake!

    Can we start at the beginning?
    Why were the accounts written at all?
    Was it with the express intent that people should later look at these writings and say "yup, they agree" or "yup, they disagree"? This similarly undermines the suggestion that it was entirely a work of fiction, because if it were they would surely have gone for some kind of character continuity (after all, JK Rowling can manage it)?

    Surely they are ancient diaries (amongst a few others), that are written subjectively?
    As for why those four became part of the canon we call "The Bible", today? Well Narkissos suggested a reason for that.

    What's to believe or not believe?
    Do we cast out all the compiled wisdom of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica because of typesetting mistakes? Nope.
    Why, then, do some have an all-or-nothing view of a compilation of diaries?
    Does it become a Holy Grail of critical thinking to be able to declare that an individual mentally debunks the whole lot? Have we totally lost our ability to be eclectic?

    Personally I love the Gospel of John, and the letters attributed to an author of the same name.
    That having been said, the Sermon of the Mount (in Matthew) is a masterpiece of literary thought.
    Yet they both contain wildly different messages, albeit retaining the same central character.

    A few words to the wise...

  • EvilForce

    Well LT I don't think JK Rawlings has managed all that well.... her last book really was a downer...it needed another 6 months in editing. Maybe that's the same issue with the bible...it needed more time in editing.

    I don't remember the encyclopedias claiming to be God's word....hence a hickup here and there are of little regard, but a hickup in the bible could be life ending no?

    I was being a bit sassy/playful when I made the rather simple declaration....perhaps since it's 5 am and I haven't slept the humor got lost somewhere darn it.

    Jaffa, I think you made my point exactly. You must take the bible as a BOOK written 2,000 years ago, examine it in the appropriate societal setting it was written in, and use it as a GUIDE for living. Not a rule book like the Dubs, and other Fundies do.

    Evil Force - Mentally sleepy and slightly punchy class

  • LittleToe

    Ironically, I had a similar kind of argument last night with some of my more conservative religous friends, about "principles" in the bible. I gave them a right dressing down for being so dogmatic and inconsistent.

    Oh yeah, and I pulled the ultimate trump card of "I used to think like that, when I was in a cult...!!!"

  • Narkissos


    Could you elaborate on your category of "diary"?

    As I understand it, it could mean either (1) a subjective daily record of events by eyewitnesses or (as you generally use the word) (2) a literary expression of the subjective spiritual experience and beliefs of the writers.

    If it's # 2, then the process of narrativisation (putting the experience and beliefs into a story form) rightly belongs to the literary realm of fiction. If so, the Gospels were never what fundamentalists and critics take them to be.

  • Pole

    Because 4 is a number denoting the completeness of truth. And it has been confirmed in secret "biotic messages" in nature. God's chariot was carried by four beasts. Most of them had four legs (except the eagle and somehow the man - but man is easy to imagine crawling)!

    Almost forgot - there are four seasons of the year where I live. The living world is full of biotic messages confirming the validity of the number of the gospels.


  • trevor

    The Bible is not an encyclopaedia but a rather sinister and threatening book. It sums this up in its conclusion:

    Revelation chapter 22

    18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. 20

    The Gospel writers may not have intended to be associated with such comments but as Christians they are. The last verse of the Bible shows that these comments have the endorsement of Jesus Christ. If the Bible is to be taken seriously as Gods word it has to be unified and consistent. On the other hand - If it is just the ramblings of a few farmers and fishermen then I think they did rather well.

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