Why did you get married?

by pratt1 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • pratt1

    1. Because you were in Love?

    2. You were afriad you would commit fornication and be disfellowhipped.

    3. You did not want to die before Armageddon as a virgin and never experience sex.

  • whyamihere

    I was in LOVE!

    Ever since I was nine, I looked at my husband to be, and said I am going to Marry him. I said it until we first started dating. It was not a religion thing at all. I loved him, and knew he was the one.


  • kls

    None of the above ,i was pregnant and a teenager and dumb. Why am i still married to him you may ask ,dumb.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Which time?

    #1 was because I was 18 and he was the first one to come along and make me horny enough. My #2 regret of all time is that I didn't call off the wedding because I could see trouble. I didn't even bring it up because the wedding invitations were already sent!

    #2 I was lonely.

    #3 I was in love. It "should" have worked but HE wasn't willing to work on it because it would have meant exposing some of his own shame and guilt.

    #4 isn't legal, but it's the best relationship I've ever been in! I love him, I respect him, and I even like him most of the time! Normal? No way! Healty? For us it is! I'm a lucky cat.

  • liquidsky

    I found my soul mate.

  • blondie

    I was single until I was almost 40. I never thought I would find a man that would be my partner not my lord.

    Love, companionship, fun were my reasons; trust, comfort and excitement too.


  • HadEnuf

    Because I met the most wonderful, kind, smart, cute guy and I decided to grab him before someone else did. (AND he had a blue chevy malibu with an 8 track player and white leather seats AND he would play the guitar and sing to me)!

    32 years later I'm really glad I did!

    cathy l.

  • delilah

    I was helping my dad, fix the brakes on my car, and my future husband came into the yard with my brother.....I had grease all over my clothes, my hair was a mess, and my face had dirt and grease and grime all over.....and he was absolutely gorgeous. With his brown hair and golden eyes that sparkled....I knew it WAS NOT going to work out........3 months later, we were married, and next Tuesday, May 31st, we celebrate 14 years of marriage......I was in love the moment I saw him......It was for love.............( lets out a huge sigh....)

    Dee ( and he was NOT a JW....bonus..)

  • wanderlustguy
    #1 was because I was 18 and he was the first one to come along and make me horny enough. My #2 regret of all time is that I didn't call off the wedding because I could see trouble. I didn't even bring it up because the wedding invitations were already sent!

    Ditto...but I was 19.

  • fairchild
    Why did you get married?

    Happy to say that I never did.

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