Why did you get married?

by pratt1 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dan-O

    None of the above.

    I was on my way out of dubdom when I met this Italian-American hottie. And we decided to marry ... bought rings but hadn't set a date. Her grandfather leaned on her to shit or get off the pot, because in his mind she was embarrassing the family with our immoral living arrangement. So, we got married a little earlier than planned.

    I guess the good news is that we're still together 20 years later.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Hey Dan..is she still HOT?


  • Dan-O

    Yeah, she is ... even at the ripe old age of 42.

  • PaulJ

    Cos I was very young and even more stupid.

  • CoonDawg

    The first time, because I was horny, and my prospective wife was somewhat of a hottie and for a chubby guy like me, i thought she was as good as it was going to get. That one lasted 8 years. I neglected to find out that she was a psycho bitch from hell, we just call her "Satan" now.

    The second time, it was for love. We both were living independently but enjoyed one another's company...so we got hitched. If one of us ever gets dissatisfied, well...we can both make it fine on our own. We are together because we like it and we want to be, not because of any perceived dependence on the other.

    We're still fine 6 1/2 years later.


  • devinsmom

    Someone apparently had written STUUUUPID across my forehead and through osmosis it sunk in. And now, well, I scrubbed it off, I will never be that STUUUUPID again!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    1. Because you were in Love?

    Nope not that. I barely knew him.

    2. You were afriad you would commit fornication and be disfellowhipped.

    Nope not that either. I wasn't even tempted by this guy.

    3. You did not want to die before Armageddon as a virgin and never experience sex.
    Definitely not that one. Being single suits me better. Real truth is my mother arranged the marriage. She proposed it to the two of us. We had never been on a date not even with chaperones. But she had been trying to marry me off to any brother who would take me and I would agree to. Most of the brothers she tried to hook me up with were 15-20 years older than me and had clear signs of mental illness. I agreed to this one because at least he was my age. So she proposed and she set the date and made all the arrangements. We just showed up. I knew it was a mistake before I walked down the aisle but was scared of who else she might come up with. I definitely knew it was a horrible mistake after 2 weeks but then I thought I HAD to stay. I took that for 15 years before bailing out. Needless to say I didn't let her make the choice the second time around. And it was pretty good until I got sick. I learned faster this time though and left after only 1 years after I became disabled
  • Es

    my first time i married for supposed love he married me coz he wanted to know what sex was like. My second time is coming up in Nov and that def is for love, friendship and respect es

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