Name your favorite fresh vegatables - It is gardening time!

by AK - Jeff 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin
    BTW: Tomato, eggplant, and potatos are related; they are all of the nightshade family! However, do not eat the red fruit from a potato plant after it flowers, it can make you very sick.

    Yes, and add to that bell peppers. Can't tolerate the nightshades well myself, and green peppers make me very ill ....

  • BrendaCloutier

    Oops, I knew I was forgetting one.... I love bell peppers, but Kev can't handle them. Dang.

  • Mulan

    Swiss chard, tomatoes, green beans (love the wide ones too), zuchinni and yellow squash (not too many or they get out of control), and lemon cucumbers. They are the best and look just like lemons.

  • Englishman

    Love tomatoes..that's tomahtoes of course, some people pronounce it like potatos would you believe?

    But most of all I love asparagus. Fresh hot asparagus smothered in hot hollandaise sauce.



  • blondie

    I forgot sweet corn. As soon as they start setting up those roadside stands, we buy 13 ears/$2.50. We get the supersweet.

    And peppers, green and red, hot and not. We have a lot of farmer's markets in the area too.

    And can we forget zucchini?


  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Mulan, I like lemon cukes too. They make great bread n butter pickles. Also I like spaghetti squash. Baked in oven. Eat like pasta spahgetts with sause. mmmmmmmmmmm

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Question arose; is watermelon fruit or vegatable? Here is the facts as presented on

    Throughout the years, watermelon has found itself in many pickles, jams, and other interesting situations. Here is a list of fun facts you many not have known about watermelons:
    • Watermelon is grown in over 96 countries worldwide.
    • In China and Japan watermelon is a popular gift to bring a host.
    • In Israel and Egypt, the sweet taste of watermelon is often paired with the salty taste of feta cheese.
    • Watermelon is 92% water.
    • it is a vegetable! It is related to cucumbers, pumpkins and squash.
    • By weight, watermelon is the most-consumed melon in the U.S., followed by cantaloupe and honeydew.
    • Early explorers used watermelons as canteens.
    • The first cookbook published in the United States in 1796 contained a recipe for watermelon rind pickles.
    • Food Historian John Martin Taylor says that early Greek settlers brought the method of pickling watermelon with them to Charleston, South Carolina.
    • A watermelon was once thrown at Roman Governor Demosthenes during a political debate. Placing the watermelon upon his head, he thanked the thrower for providing him with a helmet to wear as he fought Philip of Macedonia.
    • In 1990, Bill Carson, of Arrington, Tennessee, grew the largest watermelon at 262 pounds that is still on the record books according to the 1998 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records.
    • In 2001 over 4 billion pounds of watermelon were produced in the United States.
    • Watermelon is an ideal health food because it doesn't contain any fat or cholesterol, is an excellent source of vitamins A, B6 and C, and contains fiber and potassium.
    • Contrary to popular belief eating watermelon seeds does not cause a watermelon to grow in your stomach. Actually, in some cultures it is popular to bake the seeds and then eat them.
    • Over 1,200 varieties of watermelon are grown worldwide.
    • Every part of a watermelon is edible, even the seeds and rinds.
    • The first recorded watermelon harvest occurred nearly 5,000 years ago in Egypt.
    • The word "watermelon" first appeared in the English dictionary in 1615.
  • talesin

    Thanks, Jeff, I am so durn curious about everything, and just had to know!

    Go figure, huh? Watermelon is a vegetable, and avocado is a fruit ...

    I love those seedless watermelons ,,, they are really sah-weet!


    * curiosity killed the cat .... but satisfaction brought her back * miaow!

  • sweetsevda

    i love fresh fruit and i love tomatoes lettace n celery n cucumbers all mixed for a delicious salad

  • EvilForce

    Evil Force - Of the he loves cukes, but they don't like him class

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