Another JW alternative

by Justin 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • lawrence

    But it is the Good for nothing slave of Matthew 25, (GNS2) the present administration of the Watchtower, that placed the Abomination themselves in their own temple on 2004Elul14. We are not sure precisely what this Abomination is, but we do know that it ends the constant feature of the Watchtower which was continuous true worship, and we know that it is in place 1290 days before Armageddon. (it must be an unclean thing in the temple, and this presumably is the outsourcing of priestly duties to non sanctified brothers, who are unclean in the spirit, dead judicially). So the two criteria of Matthew 24, that are necessary for the Great Tribulation to start were met on 2004Elul14, 2004September1/2 (the abomination was placed and many mothers all over the world got really worried for their kids as result of the media coverage of the Beslan atrocity).

    These people are wonderfully mad! Another bottle of ether and rum and I'm ready to join. Somebody please get me a stack of tracts for banging the doors and street witnessing.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I liked this sentence:

    : When we baptise you, your sins are actually forgiven - which helps.

    Okay guys, our sins will ACTUALLY be forgiven this time! Right on!

    ha ha


  • luna2

    Sounds like a fun group. LMAO! I'll have to check them out when I get home tonight. I'm afraid I'll start laughing too hard here at work.

  • RichieRich

    Ok- this 2008 thing pisses me off. Its just like 1914, 1975, and so on. Everyone tries to put the date within reach of themselves. No one wants to accept that something might happen AFTER they die.

    SO even if it was true- I bet the date is screwed up.

    But the comdom rule is AWESOME! How about diaphragms?

    And screw the brother in law thing--- I'm an ONLY CHILD!

    LWs, save me a seat on the space ship! We're going home!!

  • integ

    What the hell was all that jibberish?????? Does anybody really believe that God wants it to be that difficult to figure out His plan???? Does He even have to have one? These kooks are nuts in a big time way.


  • Petruska


  • EvilForce

    Yet more's to beating your children....

    However, in the case of females, all of the above shows us that nowhere in the bible is the beating of daughters, or wives with rods proposed. So let us state categorically that daughters and wives should not be beaten with sticks or with any implements in fact.

    So plainly 'mere boys' can be beaten with a rod if the parent deems it necessary. Now, we all know that girls behave badly as well as boys. And the principle of corporal punishment cannot only apply only to boys, since after all we are both the same species! So we therefore deduce that 'mere girls' may only be beaten with the hand. The bible does not propose such discipline explicitly, and it describes it as evil when applied to grown women and men as an abuse of power. But the implication of the prescription of the rod for the boy is that the hand is suitable for the girl. Furthermore boys do beat each other with fists whereas girls slap each other with hands

    Of course UK law, as of late 2004, only allows a soft smack for any child. But this is at odds with the bible. In a similar vein, the EU now requires their commissioners to espouse pro homosexual views, such is the lobbying power of the gays (they give Haliburton a good run for its money). Again this is at odds with the bible. Paul and Moses would strongly disagree. But if the homosexual lobby tells the EU commissioners how to think, they will soon be telling them how to act, then we will have 20 homosexual perverts running the EU, which would be very appropriate since then their sexual corruption would then match their financial corruption. The EU president could then be a queen perhaps?

    I'm glad they never spare a moment to demean does beating your child have anything to do with homosexuality.

    The truly sad thing about this site is that if you showed a Dub they would mock his stands yet miss the ridiculousness of their own stands regarding the same issues.

  • Petruska

    Hey what about woman wearing trousers!?

  • lawrence

    Don't worry about trousers sweetheart, we're almost home baby! Look at this...

    The Second presence was restarted at 3 pm PST on Sunday 10th in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Jesus is again present in the flesh. Which has got to be a good thing so Praise Jah you people!

    You can dance naked now!

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    we went from JWs to LWs? what happened to the KWs?

    these people seem like manic depressives on their bi-polar manic phase, spewing out all sorts of numbers, dates, codes and seeing all sorts of patterns, not unlike that movie -- A BEAUTIFUL MIND about the math professor who was delusional.

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