Quotes web site: Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back!

by Quotes 112 Replies latest members private

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Having followed this, I don't see how the WTBTS has a case. The letter written by Quotes' solicitor said it all. Many websites quote from the Watchtower. God Himself became editor of the Watchtower since its beginning -

    Cross-examination of Frederick W. Franz in the case of Olin Moyle v. WTB&TS, 1943, Sections #2596-2597, p. 866.

    Q. At any rate, Jehovah God is now the editor of the paper [The Watchtower], is that right?
    A. He is today the editor of the paper.

    Q. How long has He been editor of the paper?
    A. Since its inception he has been guiding it.

    Cross-examination of Nathan Homer Knorr in the case of Olin Moyle v. WTB&TS, 1943, Section #4421, p. 1474.

    Q. In fact, it [The Watchtower] is set forth directly as God's Word, isn't it?
    A. Yes, as His word.

    Q. Without any qualification whatsoever?
    A. That is right.

    This MUST be true because Franz and Knorr swore on oath to that effect (must be strange swearing an oath on your editor's name.) So NOW the WTBTS is trying to silence God (not Quotes) from distributing His Word.

  • Pistoff

    SURE glad I downloaded the entire site in January!!


  • fairchild


    Quotes, any news?

  • garybuss

    During the bans in the middle 1900's in eastern Europe and Russia, the Witness people would recopy literature and distribute it. They were heralded as heroes by the Watch Tower Society. The Witness people told me that Satan would take measures to ban the information contained in the literature in the last days. This would be proof of who Satan is using and proof that the Watch Tower literature contained "the truth".

    I wonder how the paragraph reporting this event will be worded in the next version of the Proclaimers book?

  • gringojj

    Quotes is back up.. Any news?

  • Kenneson

    By George, it is! Will someone please break the silence and tell us what's going on? I don't suppose the letter writing campaign to newspapers will now be necessary????

  • yesidid


    Cuz I wanna to know wat's goin on.

  • carla

    Even if it is back up, I think the list SF gave on how to contact the media should be in everybodies favorites. We can write letters about this and SilentLambs could always use the publicity. I just wrote the United Way asking if they donate to the wt, haven't heard back yet. carla

  • Beans

    I spoke with quotes today, he can give ya'll some better info in great detail but I believe he got into contact with the lawyer and the site was not to be shut down and it was ordered to be switched on baby, yeah!

  • fairchild

    Go quotes, go quotes, go quotes!!!

    Nice to see the site up again.

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