Movies that were supposed to suck but you thought were good...

by FMZ 41 Replies latest social entertainment

  • DanTheMan

    I thought the recent update of The Ladykillers with Tom Hanks was pretty darn funny, a lot of people thought it sucked.

    Also, I almost peed my pants laughing at The Royal Tenenbaums. A lot of people trash that movie though.

  • Sunspot

    There was a movie (1994 Joe Pesci---he plays a homeless guy) that only got a 2-star rating, but I would have given it 4. It was called "With Honors" and I've watched it on HBO three or four times. I thought it was terrific. I wish everyone could see it.


  • stillajwexelder

    Yes loved Gia but then I would gladly die to spend just one night with Angelina Jolie

  • AntiPode
    Dr. T and the Women

    -With Richard Gere

    I liked this Altman film though it is generally dissed by critics. Altman's ability to shoot long scenes without cutting is still there, as well as working with so many women, and getting his messages across while still keeping in range. I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't buy it.

  • Leolaia

    I thought Big Momma's House sounded supremely lame in concept, but I saw it on a plane and thought it was really pretty funny.

    I love Drop Dead Fred with Phoebe Cates. It got excoriated in the reviews. I also really like the Disney Parent Trap remake.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Waterworld with Kevin Costner and The Bridges of Madison County with Clint Eastwood. Hard to go wrong with Clint though.

    And I agree, The Princess Bride was hilarious!

  • proplog2

    Love Song for Bobbie Long John Travolta & Scarlet Johansen

    Critics were tough on this movie. I read the critics after - not before- I saw it.

    Everyone I have talked to thought this was an award deserving movie. It makes movies like Sideways look trite.

    When it comes to reviews I prefer the old guys. The young reviewers are just trying to make a name for themselves. They think that a movie critic is supposed to "criticize".

    My favorite movie of all time is Hitchcocks "Vertigo". It was originally a critical & financial failure. I think that was true of It's A Wonderful LIfe.

  • Sweetp0985

    I never really heard anything about this movie before I saw it and fell in love with it..

    But I just love Bend It Like Beckham

  • Preston

    I dig LOTS...and I mean LOTS of movies that people generally hate.

    EYES WIDE SHUT (1999) - This movie (on more than one occasion) was slamed when it came out (you'll notice plenty of bad reviews on this site if you do a proper search). I think its one of the top 10 best movies of the past 10 years. There are...scenes that don't come across well (the wig shop scene is out of place, some of Sydney Pollock's scenes are a little hamy), but the more I watch it, the more I feel I'm being drawn into a secret mystery. The movies themes of love, temptation, and jealousy are presented here better than 99.9% of all the romance dramas I've seen. It's also beautifully shot, and well acted. I think later down the road this movie will get a second look....and I LOVE that last line!

    SOLARIS (2002) - I had huge reservations about this movie being made because I'm a big fan of the original. Remaking Tarkovsky is like remaking Casablanca for me. You shall not. However, this is a truly great film. Is space travel a way of exploring worlds, or is it a way for us to "create mirrors" as one scientist states in the movie. Will we find anything that fills our need, or tells us more about ourselves? Solaris analyzes these questions. The thing that I admire about this version of Solaris is that it presents itself without fanfare, or action sequences, or unnecessary special effects. It may be classified as a science fiction film, but it's far from any Hollywood science fiction film you could conceive of. It's a very minimalist film, as demonstrated by the sequences where scientist Chris Kelvin (George Clooney) roams the corridors of the spaceship that he journeys to in the film. The sea of the planet that the ship orbits around takes memories and creates replicas of lost wives, brothers, friends, etc... Why it does this is never really explained. Sometimes the experience gives us more than any need from us to explain it. Since this movie was made by Cameron and Soderbergh I have to give them praise for focusing more on the story than the special effects. This was a big change for them.

    - Preston

  • Leolaia

    Preston and I also really dig Mulholland Drive which 90% of people who see it either hate it or don't get it, and the 10% (or less) who do get it think its clever or even a work of genius.

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