Movies that were supposed to suck but you thought were good...

by FMZ 41 Replies latest social entertainment

  • candidlynuts

    happy gilmore , billy madison, biodome, encino man.....

    i love goofball comedies!

  • luna2

    I love Joe vs The Volcano too! I don't think Troy got rave reviews, but I thought the eyecandy more than made up for any dificiencies in the movie. I skipped Alexander, though. I couldn't take Colin Farrel with long blonde hair and a toga.

  • Eyebrow2

    I too loved Romey and Michelle's High School reunion.

    I my favorite AHHHHHNOLD movie is Last Action Hero...I thought it was great, heeheeh

  • littlerockguy


  • Swan


    Time After Time

    Necropolis Awakened

    The Three Amigos

    White Chicks

    Hanover Street

    The Alamo

    Open Range

  • talesin

    Starship Troopers! Yes, it sucked, but we made fun of it the whole way thru, so had a good time anyway. lmao

    I thought Bedazzled was good, too, lrg - Liz Hurley has a real talent for comedy.

  • MegaDude

    Loved Starship Troopers for its comic book style. The best line in that movie was "I know what you are. You're a big, fat Smart Bug."

    Liked Gia also. I think it had decent reviews.

    Meet the Focckers got terrible reviews, but I loved the great bathroom humor in it and laughed as much as the first one.

  • desbah

    now lets see...i have several

    Fight Club....Brad Pitt is one fine dude. i could watch him all day.

    Dawn of the Dead....this zombie comedy-horror flick is great. i love George Clooney and Selema Hayek can sure dance with that snake slithing around her neck.

    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly....timeless Eastwood need i say more.

    The Crying Game....i had to watch this movie twice to get the ending.

    The Long Kiss Goodnight.....hahaha that famous line in this movie cracks me up where she says "you can suck my d***".

  • talesin

    blah, blah, blah, blah, movies, blah, blah, blah, movies, blah, blah


    How about "I Married An Ax Murderer" ... 'B' horror flick starring a young unknown quantity ... a certain Mike Myers ... this was a big surprise for me .. a really good flick .


    'dude, I haven't seen Fockers yet, but can't wait ! Reviews, schmeviews,,, it has to be good.. thanks for the thumbs up.

  • Markfromcali

    Since I don't really care about the opinions of critics I can't really address this, but I can tell you one movie that surprised me was Haiku Tunnel. Although it was recommended to me since I am a big fan of Office Space, (HT is also an office comedy) it seemed pretty slow in the beginning but did pick up later.

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