Crazy Talking JWs on VH1 Forum

by rebel8 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • lucky

    do you think they count their time for posting?

  • rebel8

    The most crazy JW conversations I've had since I left dubdom are on that VH1 forum.

    The strange thing is their persistence in talking to "apostates" on the forum. I've pointed out they're not allowed to talk to "us", and they say that's a lie. At one point, I said if it's not true, then give me your name and congregation name. I'll print out the thread and mail it to their elders and offer to be a witness at your JC. Then they'd just stop posting in that thread and start another one.

    I dare someone to go to that forum and start a thread called "apostates speak" and see if the wacky dubs on that forum respond. Betcha they will.

  • rebel8

    wtwhy posted this on the Lincoln forum, this is really well said:

    They are told that maturity is required to distinguish between right and wrong, instead of being taught that maturity is acquired by distinguishing right from wrong
  • OldSoul

    Thanks, rebel8.

    I didn't want to rush in before the fool finished embarrassing himself, but it was getting so that no one else could post between his cut and pastes ...


  • GetBusyLiving

    Has anyone started up a "607 B.C is bullshit" thread over there? That might be interesting.


  • keeshah


    Not again! They exaust me. I'll try, but I'm getting really sick of them.

  • rebel8

    Yes, keesha, again! I think the "you are trailer trash and I drive a BMW" chick is gone though.

    I can't remember anything about 607, so I can't start a thread. I try not to read the bible these days. Twice was enough.

  • Sunspot
    do you think they count their time for posting?

    Of course they do! I used to on another board when I first found it. MY problem was.....that I had no valid defenses left to support my JW beliefs!

  • Honesty

    Jehovah's witnesses are among the happiest of people.. and those that aren't happy may never have had a close relationship with Jehovah and were probably spiritually weak and may have issues that may lie deeper than any of us can see. I at one time lost faith do to lack of knowledge when i was young but came to realize that the world is not much to be longed for. And the happiest times of my life were when i was among jehovah's people and associated with others who shared my beliefs.
    not all people are going to become lovers of the truth. those of us that are faithful members of this loyal christian congregation of brothers and sisters know the real truth behind it all and the reason that these things need to happen. so do not become discouraged by all of these unbelievers' statements agains JW's

    This is a classic cult commentary if I have ever seen one. The only truly happy JW is one who is free and out from under the demonised WT leaders.

  • keeshah
    I think the "you are trailer trash and I drive a BMW" chick is gone though.

    Yeah, either you scared her off by threatening to report her to the elders or her parents BUSTED her on the computer. LOL!

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