If this was your last post on JWD, what would you say?

by Rod P 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    I had to order the book in from the states. Didn't have it here in S.Africa. Haven't started reading it yet. Kinda still getting my head around the newer things you know. But I've heard Crisis.... is quite mind-blowing.

  • Gill

    It certainly is a strange experience finding that everything you used to believe in is total clap trap!

    But the more you read, the more you start to get your head round things and eventually you become slightly calmer and can see the funny side of it all...though having said that, I'm not too sure that there is anything funny about a mind control cult!

    Hang on in there, keep reading and chatting here. There are many people who will help you through and keep you sane!

  • LouBelle

    The amazing thing is though that when you are in the faith you don't see it that way. But once released it's like WOW - OH MY WORD!!!! I'm now trying to get my family out - but they thing I'm off on the broad road leading to distruction. But I'm not too fazzled any more by that. In the beginning when I initially left (about february this year) I thought I was gonna go crazy from the guilt and 'accusing voices' in my head.

    But I've calmed down thank goodness.

  • JAVA

    I would say, "I'll be back."

    Welcome, LouBelle!

  • Honesty

    I would give you a copy of my final correspondence with the WTBTS which reads as follows:

    To the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Well, guys it's been one helluvaride the last 15 years. I don't consider the 2 years before that anything other than my own stupidity in believing that all the 'love bombing' I got every time I attended the Kingdumb Hell was real Christian love. You boyz managed to help get me married 'in the truth' to a hardline dub wife who is very beautiful in appearance but very disturbed mentally and emotionally due to being 'raised in the troof' and subjected to a lifetime of false doctrines and mind controlling tricks you learned from your spiritual father. I married her mainly because I sincerely thought God was directing the merger of 2 loyal followers of Jesus but in reality I was following the distorted and demented definition of 'marry only in the Lord' from a group of 12 apostates living in ivory towers in the Brooklyn Borough of New York City. I also have 2 beautiful children that I raised by 'mentally regulating' their minds into the Watch Tower Bull Shit that you people spew so eloquently out of your double sided mouths. They are now thoroughly indoctrinated into your blasphemous and satanic cult you call 'the only true worship' of God. Oh, you are worshipping God alright; the trouble is that the God you are worshipping is not the true God of the bible. You have invented a counterfeit God who is hateful, deceitful and dedicated to destroying the family and sacrificing children on his altar under the guise that it is God's will not to violate the sanctity of blood. You have my children, who are trapped in worship to your counterfeit god and believe that you are their 'mother' and will do anything you require of them in order to maintain an 'approved standing' in your dastardly cult. You also are directly responsible for the disintegration of my marriage of 10 years just because I discovered your doctrines and rules are nothing more than malicious and controlling methods to keep innocent people worshipping your counterfeit god in order for them to be destined for eternal seperation from the true God of the bible then dared to reveal the evidence to other Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Well Governing Body members, this is goodbye to you on this forum however, you haven't heard the last from me because I have dedicated the rest of my life assisting other people out of your dangerous and destructive cult you are so fond of labeling 'The Truth' and leading them to the real truth, Jesus Christ.

    May your souls eternally suffer the judgement that is awaiting you unless you repent and turn around.

  • LouBelle

    That's a long goodbye!. Java you sound awefully like something that got terminated on a number of occassions.

  • Mary

    I always liked the song Carol Burnett used to do when closing her show on TV:

    I'm so glad we had this time together...

    Just to have a laugh or sing a song...

    Seems we just get started and before you know it

    Comes the time we have to say "so long."

  • Elsewhere

    So long and thanks for all the fish.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    It's been real, It's been nice......

  • carla

    I would say thank you to all of you for all your advice and research. I will not be posting for quite some time as my husband and I are renewing our vows and will be busy making up for lost time. It may take quite some time. Wish you all well. Will stop back for a visit sometime. Thanks again! love, carla (someday I hope to really post that, if I don't give up before then, or go nuts with this nonsense)

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