If this was your last post on JWD, what would you say?

by Rod P 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Suppose something came up that was beyond your control, but you were given one last chance to say something on this forum for all the posters here. What would you say to all of us for the last time?

    Rod P.

  • DHL

    Every day could be your last one so just say it now:


    Thanks to the founder and to everybody who adds to this forum. It enriches me in more than one way. Just not financially! But that's ok for one can't have everything at once...

  • candidlynuts


    my name is ____________________

    my address is _________________

    if your ever nearby look me up!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Thank you.

    I love you all.

    Be strong.

    Watch out for the trolls.

    Goodbye forever, (sometimes I lie )

    I hope I will never have to make that post.


  • zev


  • iggy_the_fish

    so long, so long, and thanks......

    ...for all the fish!


  • LouBelle

    Thank goodness I got out when I did and for any others out there "LEAVE! RUN! HIDE!"

    Oh and Hello I'm new

  • Gill

    Hi LouBelle! Welcome!

    I would say, 'Whatever you do, don't look back! Keep going forward with your life and don't answer the door when the JWs call! Advise your friends the same. And if someone trys to talk religion to you when you're sitting on a park bench, shopping, or whatever....run away...FAST!'

  • LouBelle

    Thanks Gill, But I must ask considering your age, how fast would you truly run??? *laugh*

    It's such a relief to be free!!!!! The things I've learnt about the organization have truly been quite 'scary' at times and left me wondering 'who really was controlling things' and who is today still controlling the strings of the organization?

  • Gill

    Hi LouBelle - Considering 'my age' I can run bloody fast if I have to!

    Have you read Ray Franz 'Crisis of Conscience'? It helps to understand how the bOrg is run and who is pulling the strings at Brooklyn. To be honest at the moment it looks like their legal department is pulling all the strings.

    God knows what's going to happen to them if their child abuse coverups implode on them in due course.

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