just got df'd

by susu812 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dustin

    Welcome. I felt so guilty when I first started posting here. But, you will find others to whom you can relate to here. There's a lot of great people just like you who have been broken by the JW religion. Eventually you will pick up the pieces and move on, and be a better person for it. It takes some time, but if I can do anything to help please let me know. I promise that eventually the guilt will start to fade away when you learn the real truths. When you are raised a witness, or have been in it a long time you need to learn to clear the fog of guilt that has been placed before you.

    I wish you the best.


  • Bryan

    Welcome susu,

    I realize it's difficult at the moment, but this may the best thing that's ever happened to you. I would simply say study as much as you can about what the Watchtower doesn't want you to know. Study their old writings even. QUOTES has some quotes from the Watchtower.

    I know it's tough. If you can, I would see a theropist.

    Take care,


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Es

    Welcome! We are here to help you at anytime es

  • GetBusyLiving

    :ive been the only one with a semi-conscience thats been drilled into me my whole life to come forward with my bad ways and its like even though i have gone through all this i am losing way more then everyone else is.

    I can really relate to this, susu. I can understand the confusion you are feeling now as well, we all can here. You will find that the Watchtower is not what you may think it is, if you make the choice to dig deep for the truth. You may even find that being disfellowshipped was the best thing that ever happened to you so far in your life, with research and time.

    Welcome to JWD. Keep learning, spiraling out, and posting.


  • wanderlustguy

    You know what? I was scared out of my mind when I first posted here...literally shaking, then changed my name, read a lot and put my best finger forward...never felt better!

  • delilah

    Welcome, and do not be afaid....you are among REAL friends here. I have found this, and life is GOOD. Hang in there, things will be ok. This board has helped me to laugh again and realize that this is where the "normal" people are...hahaha. Lots of good people here.

    Hugs, Dee

  • heatherg

    you are among REAL friends here.

    All the relationships you had as a JW, you will soon realize meant nothing. It's hard to see and understand now, but it's the truth. Out here you will find true friends. Ones that will be there for you no matter you religion or beliefs and will hold nothing against you. Take care and know that you have lots of support. hg

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    Welcome to the board SUSU! It's wonderful having you here because on this board, you are among 'true friends'. People who don't judge others based on their beliefs or lack thereof.

    Also, you are truly blessed to have this 'break' from the troof at such an early age. Take advantage of the down time to do some research on the org and decide for yourself whether it is THE TRUTH, and if you want to spend your life dedicated to an organization. Many on this board have wasted their youth in the org only to find out that the truth we were taught to believe in, wasn't really the truth at all.

    Warm hugs susu ... you're going to be fine. You have your whole life ahead of you and now, the decisions are in YOUR HANDS, not the hands of some impersonal body of governors who are far removed from the realities of life.

    sweet tee

  • AuntieJane

    Hi again Susu, just reading the great replies to your post. These people who have lived the life like you have are going to be such a support to you right now. Please, stay and listen to them. You are also welcome to 'write' me anytime.


  • jschwehm

    Welcome to the board Susu. You will find lots of support here.

    Jeff Schwehm


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