Do any small creatures frighten & freak you out?

by Rod P 67 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kls

    Rat ,he probably wants to know if you are going to crap in his chair

  • Rabbit

    Harpy...good for you ! I'm glad to have another 'creepy-crawler' lover around. They are not so scary, if ya' get to know them in a controlled manner. The best way is to learn as a child from a knowledgable adult. My youngest daughter really took to spiders and insects and 'odd' animals. I bought her The Audobon Guide Book to Insects when she was 6 years old, she loved it. She could read descriptions, see pictures and silouttes of different classes of bugs...and whether they were safe or not.

    I taught her how to capture them safely, too. Rather than be so afraid, like most people who would go into a panic, if she saw a spider, she'd back off, really observe coloration, size, web-type, etc. She'd get her book and read. Since there are only 2 types of spiders, Brown Recluse & Black Widows, that are poisonous it's a pretty safe hobby. She found several B. Widows and would tell me about them, we'd 'relocate' her and then spray insecticide where the nest was to kill un-hatched spiderlings in their egg-sacs. But, only if they were in house, barn, etc. where they could cause a problem.

    She had several 'pet' spiders that gave us un-ending joy by scaring the crap out of certain deserving relatives.She'd let them crawl over her face and sit on her head or show them a surpise in her hands! muwwwaaahhhh! , Love that kid !

    ** As Talesin, who is a 'Bug-gurl' herself, once cautioned, I should remind everyone (if you want to try this at home...) some folks are ultra-sensitive to bug bite/stings of any kind. So-o, just because they are not poisonous, ya' still gotta be careful, K ?

    (back to regulary scheduled program) A couple of months ago, at 3am, I was walking thru the kitchen on the way to the bathroom. As I past the table, I heard this crunching noise and a deep throated hiss...I reached out to pet one of our cats...something seemed different tho'. I turned on the light -- there was this huge 'possum snarling at me from the table, obviously upset I disturbed his meal of cat food. (They have more teeth than any other animal in N.America. ) After my heart calmed down (and going to the bathroom ) I grabbed the 15lb. boar by the tail, put him in a sack, kissed the wife 'bye' (she said, sleepily, "that's nice, honey...) and drove him to a creek and dropped him off. (oh, he got in thru our 'cat door'.)

    See...We didn't eat it. Catch n' release, most of the time !


  • Rabbit

    Talesin...shame on you. Wolf spiders are harmless and good mothers, too. I've seen pics of hundreds of widdle baby wolfies clinging on their Mommy.

    Nice wolfie...nice wolfie...

    Wabbit (feeling the spidie force...)

  • talesin


    I've seen pics of hundreds of widdle baby wolfies clinging on their Mommy.

    Yes, but then they grow into 1 1/2" big spidies and hang out in my room, doing nothing but play 'terrorize the human'. They should be outside, catching flies and doing their job! After all, I am not paying the rent to provide a squat for indolent wolfies. hehehe


  • kls

    Rabbit ,you is creeping me out

  • Rabbit
  • swiftbreeze

    spiders...i was in the shower and this huge black spider came was like a horror movie,,,i screamed and jumped out and ran... i couldnt stop screaming and shaking

    I really don't like killing bugs, if i see one i'll let it go about it's little way.. BUT A SPIDER i'll beat the crap outta of a spider, the funny thing is i love that book charlotte's web

  • Rod P
    Rod P


    You realize don't you that spiders are a good thing to have around. They get rid of a lot of other little insects around your place.

    Whenever I see a spider, I always get a stick or a flyswatter, and coax it onto the stick and then carry it outside and then shake it off the stick. They'll help you with yard bugs too.

    Rod P.

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