Daily reading book-don't know the formal name.

by wordlywife 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    LOL Richie and worldlywife!

    Maybe we should have an alternative daily text on here every day for a laugh - either a slant on the examining the scriptures daily, if anyone has a copy, and call it Twisting the Scriptures Daily.

    Mary, Gumby and Blondie would be excellent at that!

  • jaffacake

    I only got to see the daily text book once, at this years memorial, my first and only visit to a Kingdom Hall. Frankly I was offended!

    This was a day especially set aside to remember Jesus Christ for the ransom sacrifice he made as the only mediator between God and men. But the text of the day was not about the Christ, but was about the people who falsely claim to be a faithful & discreet slave. Even on that day they stole the limelight. They are a false mediator; a false Christ.

    We were warned of false Christ's at Luke 21:8. When Christ foretold the coming of false Messiahs, he spoke also of men who would come saying: the time is very near now, and he counselled never follow men like that. Do you know of anyone who fits this description?

  • jgnat

    Yeah, it's awful. They quote any old scripture to suit and talk about whatever they want.

    I suggest you have your own available as antidote. That's what I do. This one looks upbeat and not too preachy:


  • fairchild

    Haha, that reminds me of a nice experience. I used to read the daily text every morning, just like I was supposed to do. Then, once upon a time I went mountain climbing with two pioneers and two elders. (Myself, I was just studying the bible with the JWs) As we were halfway up the mountain, sitting down and having lunch, I mentioned the 'daily text' for that day. It was obvious that only one of the elders and none of the pioneers had read it. Given, we had left very early in the morning, and they might not have had time, but it was pretty embarrassing to them that their student caught them in such a way.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    would it be possible for someone to post the Daily everyday? or maybe 2 at a time?
    similar to Blondie's weekly?



  • wordlywife

    Fairchild-that was classic. You the student doing more "study" than the elders..........

    WP-I agree, an "Examining the Scriptures Daily" text blurb would be great, as with Blondie's WT study. Hopefully someone would be willing to do that!

    Worldly Wife

  • jgnat
  • jgnat

    If we posted portions of the daily reading, we would also have to provide commentary. In order not to break copyright.

  • wordlywife

    Blondie's commentary is the best part!

  • jgnat

    The righteous one may fall even seven times, and he will certainly get up. Proverbs 24:16

    In a nutshell:

    We need help cultivating self-control. The bible helps. Fellow brothers and elders help too. "Therefore, let us joyfully use these provisions. How comforting... This should motivate us to continue to strive for more self-control."

    So here's our chance to practice Blondie's study techniques. Can you spot the manipulative language? Are there any logical fallacies? Does the topic hint at the issues worrying Brooklyn?

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