Life rushes in........

by purplesofa 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • prophecor

    Because life rushes in, in order for me to connect effectively with the world, I've learned to take this life in baby steps, small steppings out of myself. I'm slowly reaching out to other people in my community. There are some truly wonderful people out in the world, and contrary to popular opinion, many of them do have your best interest at heart.Though its still wise to scrutinize your associations, as the world is but always has been a crazy place, we can do ourselves, nor anyone else for that matter, any benefit by remaining paraylized in our cocoons of complacency.

    Cautious as serpents and innocent as doves is a theological principle that I feel, still weighs well within our travels as witnesses or not, however, with balance between the two extremes, wonderful windows of opportunity can come to be opened for us.

    Happy Travels 2U Purps.

  • purplesofa

    Thank-you everyone for your posts, I suppose we don't realize how fragile we are, and the damage that is done. Like tearing down a house to the foundation only to find out the foundation has termites and must rebuild that too.

    I am slowing down and and taking little moments at a time some days.

    The dialog on this board is amazingly supportive and I want to express appreciation from deep in my heart for this.

    Everyone is so giving in their own special ways to be so helpful.


    Thanks so much


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